Is it possible that complex splunk queries are too much for the getsplunk processor? These queries are a few hundred lines long, but run fine in the splunk GUI. Error is below, and recommendations on how to troublehshoot?
10:11:06 ESTERRORf46c3d86-5571-146c-a8ef-071da5f520e6[id=f46c3d86-5571-146c-a8ef-071da5f520e6] Failed to process session due to org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: IOException thrown from GetSplunk[id=f46c3d86-5571-146c-a8ef-071da5f520e6]: Connection reset: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: IOException thrown from GetSplunk[id=f46c3d86-5571-146c-a8ef-071da5f520e6]: Connection reset