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hadoop + ambari cluster change configuration


I want to upload the new bluprint.json file to my ambari cluster as the following

curl  -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari"-X GET -o /tmp/1-HDP6_blueprint.json 

when I run it , seems that every thing is ok because we not get any warning /error

but when I read the ambari GUI parameters I see that the new bluprint.json not affected the ambari cluster with the new configuration

how to debug this ?, or how to get notification from the curl ... syntax about what happens ?

and why ambari cluster not get affected after I upoload the new blueprint.json file???


Master Mentor

@uri ben-ari

In One of your Yesterdays Post we discussed about the Blueprint JSON parsing issue .

- In the above thread on the second last update we see your issue was resolved you were able to post the blueprint properly. Your new query was to be able to modify / update the blueprint.

If you have some new queries to be asked which is related to the blueprint parsing then you can continue on one thread. Or Close the previously opened threads. Where you agreed to get the issue resolved which was mentioned originally during the thread creation.


View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@uri ben-ari

The curl command you have run is a GET not POST. To register a blueprint with Ambari you should have done this while in the directory where the blueprint is located. Below is an example

curl -H "X-Requested-By: ambari"-X POST -u admin:admin http://<ambari-server>:8080/api/v1/blueprints/multinode-hdp -d @1-HDP6_blueprint.json

Hope that helps

Master Mentor

@uri ben-ari

You are opening many threads for the same issue be reminded this is unproductive

Members take their valuable time to answer and once your problem has been resolved ,you need to accept the best answer hence rewarding the user.
Reward the user with th best answer and close the thread

Master Mentor

@uri ben-ari

In One of your Yesterdays Post we discussed about the Blueprint JSON parsing issue .

- In the above thread on the second last update we see your issue was resolved you were able to post the blueprint properly. Your new query was to be able to modify / update the blueprint.

If you have some new queries to be asked which is related to the blueprint parsing then you can continue on one thread. Or Close the previously opened threads. Where you agreed to get the issue resolved which was mentioned originally during the thread creation.
