I am trying to use the hbase-indexer. I followed this article by @Ali Bajwa:
However, the indexer process doesn't seem to start :
hbase-indexer list-indexers -zookeeper master.cluster2:2181
+ Lifecycle state: ACTIVE
+ Incremental indexing state: SUBSCRIBE_AND_CONSUME
+ Batch indexing state: INACTIVE
+ SEP subscription ID: Indexer_uoindexer
+ SEP subscription timestamp: 2015-12-16T14:38:51.673+01:00
+ Connection type: solr
+ Connection params:
+ solr.collection = uocollection
+ solr.zk = master.cluster2.:2181,master.cluster2:2181/solr
+ Indexer config:
318 bytes, use -dump to see content
+ Indexer component factory: com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.conf.DefaultIndexerComponentFactory
+ Additional batch index CLI arguments:
+ Default additional batch index CLI arguments:
+ Processes
+ 0 running processes
+ 0 failed processes
The last server output I get after creating an indexer :
INFO master.IndexerMaster: Assigned subscription ID 'Indexer_uoindexer' to indexer 'uoindexer'
I am not finding any errors in hadoop and zookeeper logs. Why is there no running process?
Any help would be much appreciated !