Created 05-01-2019 02:42 AM
Created 05-01-2019 11:49 AM
Did you try getting the path from metadata database. We can get the path of all hive tables with single query. Let me know if you already tried that.
Created 05-03-2019 04:21 AM
Sorry we don't have access for that .Can you please share that it will be useful for my future. Now i written different approach to get all hdfs paths and trying to delete them all in one shot .is there anyway to do that.
hive -e " set hive.cli.print.header=false; use $HIVE_SCHEMA;show tables like '*stg';" 1> $tablelist
tableNum_limit=$(cat $tablelist | wc -l)
echo "number of tables in the file $tableNum_limit "
#sed -i e"s/.*/SHOW CREATE TABLE $HIVE_SCHEMA.&;\" $tablelist
sed -i -e "s/.*/DESCRIBE FORMATTED $HIVE_SCHEMA.&;/" $tablelist
#create the file with all describe formatted output
hive -f $tablelist > $loctbl
#remove all the line except the hdfs path
sed -i -e '/^Location/!d;s/Location:\s\+//' $loctbl
#sed -Eni '{N; /^LOCATION\s+/p ; D}' $loctbl
It will retrieve all the hdfs paths into file for the given database and I am trying to delete them is there any short way to delete all in stead of using hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $table_location each path .