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hdfs user and commands


Hello guys,

I am working with Hortonworks sandbox 2.6 at the first time. I am trying to copy data from local machine to

HDFS. First I tried the command su hdfs but got a message > user hdfs does not exist.

Second i would like to run HIVE in command line but the command hive is not working (hive:command not found).

Could you guys help me with these issues?

Thank you


Master Mentor

@enzo EL

Please make sure that you have logged in to your Sandbox on SSH port 2222 only. Else those commands will not work.

#  ssh root@ -p 2222
Enter Password:  hadoop


The try to execute those commands:

[root@sandbox ~]# su - hdfs
[hdfs@sandbox ~]$ hdfs dfs -put /var/log/messages /tmp


Other option will be to use the WebTerminal feature to access the terminal using Browser using the following URL.



View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@enzo EL

Please make sure that you have logged in to your Sandbox on SSH port 2222 only. Else those commands will not work.

#  ssh root@ -p 2222
Enter Password:  hadoop


The try to execute those commands:

[root@sandbox ~]# su - hdfs
[hdfs@sandbox ~]$ hdfs dfs -put /var/log/messages /tmp


Other option will be to use the WebTerminal feature to access the terminal using Browser using the following URL.



Master Mentor

Master Mentor

@enzo EL

Good to know that your issue is resolved, It will be also great if you can mark this HCC thread as Answered by clicking on the "Accept" Button on the correct answer. That way other HCC users can quickly find the solution when they encounter the same issue.


could you give me your skype or email conctact? I would like to ask you for some more information....I dont know if I can send a meessage here.


Perfect it works! Thank you a lot.