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history task records disappear after hadoop reboot

New Contributor

I run some mr tasks and can see the task status on yarn web. But when I reboot the hadoop cluster, the task records disappear. all the necessary config have been set and the jobhistory app was running too.

Any suggestion for debug? 


Expert Contributor

Hi @Bro

Are you able to fetch logs using below?

1] yarn logs -applicationId <app_id> -appOwner <user>

2] are you able to see application_id in JHS or Cloudera>Yarn>Applications ?


Check this property once yarn.resourcemanager.max-completed-applications

New Contributor

hi Asim,

Thanks for the reply.

I can see the log using the command while the hadoop cluster is running.

After I reboot the cluster, the history logs disappead on the page.

The config is as below:


<!-- 历史服务器端地址 -->

<!-- 历史服务器web端地址 -->

<description>MR JobHistory Server管理的日志的存放位置,默认:/mr-history/done</description>





<!-- 设置日志聚集服务器地址 -->
<!-- 设置日志保留时间为7天 -->


much appreciated for the help.