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hive minus query


Below is my table description.

hive> describe dbsize;
db_name string
location string
size_in_mb string
size_in_gb string
date string

# Partition Information
# col_name data_type comment

date string
Time taken: 0.335 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)


Have to mins the column size_in_mb with different date in where condition.


Having sample sql query for rdbms environment.

select DB_NAME, LOCATION, c2-c1 "difference size in MB", c4-c3 "difference size in GB"
from dbsize
(select size_in_mb c1 from dbsize where date='01-23-2020'),
(select size_in_mb c2 from dbsize where date='01-25-2020'),
(select size_in_gb c3 from dbsize where date='01-23-2020'),
(select size_in_gb c4 from dbsize where date='01-25-2020');


Need help on hive hql query to mins the columns for two different dates. In same single table.


Please advise me.



Output of my table with two dates.


**** hdfs://*** 29GB 30233MB 1/23/2020
**** hdfs://*** 8GB 9040MB 1/23/2020
**** hdfs://*** 911GB 933122MB 1/23/2020
**** hdfs://*** 29GB 29795MB 1/23/2020
**** hdfs://*** 129GB 130233MB 1/24/2020
**** hdfs://*** 18GB 19040MB 1/24/2020
**** hdfs://*** 1911GB 1933122MB 1/24/2020
**** hdfs://*** 129GB 129795MB 1/24/2020

Output I need like this.

**** hdfs://*** 29GB 30233MB
**** hdfs://*** 8GB 9040MB
**** hdfs://*** 911GB 933122MB
**** hdfs://*** 29GB 29795MB


I have tired two view creation with join select not working.


create view alerts_archive.dbsizevw1 AS
select * from alerts_archive.dbsize where date='Jan-23-2020';

create view alerts_archive.dbsizevw2 AS
select * from alerts_archive.dbsize where date='Jan-24-2020';

select db_name,location, (a.size_in_mb-b.size_in_mb) as variance_MB, (a.size_in_gb-b.size_in_gb) as variance_GB from alerts_archive.dbsizevw2 a
join alerts_archive.dbsizevw1 b;

select (a.size_in_mb-b.size_in_mb) as variance_MB, (a.size_in_gb-b.size_in_gb) as variance_GB from alerts_archive.dbsizevw2 a
join alerts_archive.dbsizevw1 b;