Created 06-09-2016 02:46 PM
hi: i am receiving tihs error with this script:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mi_cliente_fmes( id_interno_pe bigint, cod_nrbe_en int, mi_nom_cliente string, fec_ncto_const_pe string, fecha_prim_rl_cl string , sexo_in string, cod_est_civil_indv string, cod_est_lab_indv string, num_hijos_in int, ind_autnmo_in string, cod_ofcna_corr string, cod_cpcdad_lgl_in int ) CLUSTERED BY (cod_nrbe_en) INTO 60 BUCKETS stored as ORC LOCATION '/RSI/tables/desercion/mi_cliente_fmes' set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; set map.reduce.tasks = 25; SET hive.exec.parallel=true; SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mi_cliente_fmes select id_interno_pe, cod_nrbe_en, mi_nom_cliente, fec_ncto_const_pe, fecha_prim_rl_cl, sexo_in, cod_est_civil_indv, cod_est_lab_indv, num_hijos_in, ind_autnmo_in, cod_ofcna_corr, cod_cpcdad_lgl_in FROM mi_cliente_fmes_temp;
and the error:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10295]: INSERT OVERWRITE not allowed on table with OutputFormat that implements AcidOutputFormat while transaction manager that supports ACID is in use (state=42000,code=10295)
Created 06-09-2016 08:16 PM
I believe this is because you have designated your Hive table as EXTERNAL. External tables are most often used to manage data directly on HDFS that is loaded as CSV files, etc. In your case, you are creating a table and storing as ORC while populating it via a SELECT clause.
Is there a reason you need it to be external? If not, you can omit the "EXTERNAL" in your "CREATE TABLE" clause and remove the "Location" entry. The only real change for you is the data will be stored under /apps/hive/warehouse on HDFS instead of the location you specified.
This is what you would have:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mi_cliente_fmes( id_interno_pe bigint, cod_nrbe_en int, mi_nom_cliente string, fec_ncto_const_pe string, fecha_prim_rl_cl string , sexo_in string, cod_est_civil_indv string, cod_est_lab_indv string, num_hijos_in int, ind_autnmo_in string, cod_ofcna_corr string, cod_cpcdad_lgl_in int ) CLUSTERED BY (cod_nrbe_en) INTO 60 BUCKETS stored as ORC
Created 06-09-2016 03:05 PM
You are using ORC format, which supports ACID and transactions. Try using "INSERT INTO" instead of "INSERT OVERWRITE" and adding a "TRUNCATE TABLE" before running the select.
As of Hive 0.14, if a table has an OutputFormat that implements AcidOutputFormat and the system is configured to use a transaction manager that implements ACID, then INSERT OVERWRITE will be disabled for that table. This is to avoid users unintentionally overwriting transaction history. The same functionality can be achieved by using TRUNCATE TABLE (for non-partitioned tables) or DROP PARTITION followed by INSERT INTO.
Created 09-18-2019 06:55 AM
@myoung can you please give the syntax to write this sort of query
Created 06-09-2016 06:41 PM
Now i got this error tu type truncate table
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10146]: Cannot truncate non-managed table mi_cliente_fmes. (state=42000,code=10146)
Created 06-12-2016 12:56 PM
This error happens when you're trying to truncate an external table. Truncate needs to target a native/managed table or an exception will be thrown.
Here's a really great reference:
Created 06-09-2016 08:16 PM
I believe this is because you have designated your Hive table as EXTERNAL. External tables are most often used to manage data directly on HDFS that is loaded as CSV files, etc. In your case, you are creating a table and storing as ORC while populating it via a SELECT clause.
Is there a reason you need it to be external? If not, you can omit the "EXTERNAL" in your "CREATE TABLE" clause and remove the "Location" entry. The only real change for you is the data will be stored under /apps/hive/warehouse on HDFS instead of the location you specified.
This is what you would have:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mi_cliente_fmes( id_interno_pe bigint, cod_nrbe_en int, mi_nom_cliente string, fec_ncto_const_pe string, fecha_prim_rl_cl string , sexo_in string, cod_est_civil_indv string, cod_est_lab_indv string, num_hijos_in int, ind_autnmo_in string, cod_ofcna_corr string, cod_cpcdad_lgl_in int ) CLUSTERED BY (cod_nrbe_en) INTO 60 BUCKETS stored as ORC
Created 06-10-2016 05:54 PM
after create the like NO INTERNAL and execute:
set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; set map.reduce.tasks = 60; SET hive.exec.parallel=true; SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true; TRUNCATE TABLE desercion_clientes_temp3; INSERT INTO TABLE desercion_clientes_temp3 select * FROM desercion_clientes_temp2;
it work!!
Many thanks
Created 06-10-2016 06:29 PM
Good to hear!