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hive updates very slow

Master Collaborator


iam executing this but its very slow and not all memory ram are using, and just 1 map, iam running with tez, any suggestions??

INFO  : Map 1: 1/1 Reducer 2: 59(+1)/60 
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1 Reducer 2: 59(+1)/60 
INFO  : Map 1: 1/1 Reducer 2: 59(+1)/60
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='CM' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='11') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='13') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='21');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='INGs' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='31') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='32') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='33');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='AXT' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='34') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='35') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='36');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='CRE' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='41');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='TC'  WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='50') OR (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='51');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PRE' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='01' AND ID_GRP_PD='71');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='VIST' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='11') OR (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='21');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PLZO' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='51');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PLZOES' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='52');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='SUBORD' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='92') OR (COD_LINEA ='03' AND ID_GRP_PD='93');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='VAL' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='10') OR (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='20') OR (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='40');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PPEN' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='30') OR (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='34');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='FONI' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='56');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='SEGAH' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='04' AND ID_GRP_PD='61');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='REC' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='01');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PDOM' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='02');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='EMRV' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='11');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='GCOBRO' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='12');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='EMRECDOM' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='13');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='RECVEN' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='14');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='CONFIR' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='15');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='DOMINGREC' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='33') OR (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='31');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='EMISTR' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='41');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='EMISTRMAS' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='42');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PRVENT' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='43');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='PRDOM' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='44');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='ACPAG' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='45');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='TD' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='50') OR (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='51');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='ACCOMER' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='52');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='TPR' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='53');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='GCEXT' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='70') OR (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='71') OR (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='72');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='SEGVIDA' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='81');
UPDATE desercion_clientes_temp3 SET PROD='SEGRIESGO' WHERE (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='82') OR (COD_LINEA ='05' AND ID_GRP_PD='93');




Super Collaborator

The parallelism of the write side is equal to the number of buckets for the table.

For the read side, there was (is) a bug with split computation on Tez. If you do "dfs -lsr" on the table directory, do you see any files called base_xxxxxx? If not, you may want to run a Major compaction. It will generate a base_xxxx file and then your subsequent Updates should have > 1 split. (this was fixed in and requires Tez 0.7)

Alternatively, run the update statement on MR - it doesn't have split calculation issue.

View solution in original post



data set size please?

Master Collaborator

from hue i can see that

totalSize 787795564

Master Collaborator

Ho can i control the map and reduce with hive or tex paralell???

Super Collaborator

The parallelism of the write side is equal to the number of buckets for the table.

For the read side, there was (is) a bug with split computation on Tez. If you do "dfs -lsr" on the table directory, do you see any files called base_xxxxxx? If not, you may want to run a Major compaction. It will generate a base_xxxx file and then your subsequent Updates should have > 1 split. (this was fixed in and requires Tez 0.7)

Alternatively, run the update statement on MR - it doesn't have split calculation issue.

Master Collaborator

colud you please type the command example to run a compaction for my table adn bucket in ORC format??

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS canal( CODTF string, CANAL string, FECHAOPRCNF string, FRECUENCIA int, CODNRBEENF string ) COMMENT 'A buckered table canal by CODNRBEENF' CLUSTERED BY (CODNRBEENF) SORTED BY (FECHAOPRCNF) INTO 60 BUCKETS stored as ORC LOCATION '/RSI/tables/logs/canal' TBLPROPERTIES ("immutable"="false", "orc.create.index"="true","orc.compress"="ZLIB", "orc.stripe.size"="67108864","orc.row.index.stride"="25000");