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hiveserver details

Expert Contributor

Hi, how to get the host name and port number where the hiveserver2 process is running?

I am working on a cluster environment and usually we login into edge node. Is it possible to get the hive server details from this edge node?

I need this to connect to hive from tableau.


Master Mentor

this information is available in Ambari UI under Hive service or you could look up /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml on edge node and view the file, port info is in the XML.

Expert Contributor

I found the port information under the property hive.server2.thrift.port. But the only properties where server names are listed are under hive.zookeeper.quorum hive.metastore.uris.

Can you please let me know which property I should be looking at to find the host that runs hiveserver2 service?

Master Guru

Its not a config, every hiveserver2 gets the same config. Go to Summary on the hive tab and you will see a list of all hiveservers metastore services etc. Click on the hiveserver2 one and you see the host its running on.

Expert Contributor

Sorry, I just started learning hadoop. Not sure where you want me look for this summary. I checked from hue. I could not see this detail. Can you please elaborate a little?

Master Guru

Ambari the management tool for HDP ( Hue is the working environment. ) Ambari can normaly found under port 8080 or 8443 on the ambari server ( if you use a sandbox for example )

Expert Contributor

I just logged into Ambari and found the hiveserver2 under summary tab. There are five hiveserver2 processes listed there. And each of them are running in different hosts.

Why would there be so many hiveserver2 components? Isnt hiveserver2 a server process for processing client requests from cli? so shouldnt there be only one hiveserver2?



Multiple instances of HiveServer2 can be started to load balance and make it highly available. You can connect to HiveServer2 in two ways - direct host:port, or through zkurl. See more examples of connection url here.

Master Guru

Hi @R M, login to Ambari, on the left side select Hive, and on the right at the top select Summary. Than click on HiveServer2 to see the host where it's running.