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how could i register an avro schema to hive metastore using apache nifi

New Contributor

I have a dataflow and in this dataflow i generate an avro schema from the processor avroinferschema, and my doubt is how can i resgiter in hive metastore this avro.avsc, i need to integrate a schema evolution between avro and hive, also i found a nifi service : avro schema registry, but I do not know how it is used?



I have the same question.  Does anyone have any good ideas on how to do this ?


Or actually how to register an avro schema with HIVE using anything....

Community Manager

Hi @Daggers,


I'm not an expert but did a quick search to see what I could find, here is a link that I hope will be useful.


How to automate creation of Avro and Hive Schemas using NiFi and Schema Registry?

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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Hi @Daggers 

You can store avro schema file in HDFS folder and point that folder for your hive table ..There is avro.schema.url property with value can be passed while Hive creating the table ..This solution works for versioning the avro schema file in HDFS for the respective table. You can explore schema registry as well