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how to Setup IBM MQ Configuration for Nifi

Rising Star

I need help to Setup MQ for Nifi. I have a very tight deadline for a project to retrieve data from IBM MQ to Nifi. I installed IBM MQ on my local computer. I was able to configure the queues to read one from another. but I have issue on setup configurations for Nifi. Any advice on the MQ configuration for Nifi will be very appreciated.


Master Mentor
@Andy Liang

The ConsumeJMS and PublishJMS processors can be used with IBM MQ. They require you to setup an "JMSConnectionFactoryProvider" controller service to facilitate that IBM MQ connection. You will need to download the IBM MQ Client library on to the server where your NiFi is running.


Rising Star

@Matt Clarke

I had read the posts at and

I followed the instructions to configure the onsumeJMS and PublishJMS processors, but I cannot get it working. I wonder it's the configuration issue on the IBM MQ. For example, how could I set up the SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN for channel or is it build-in already? Do I need to create a transmission queue for the channel?



What happened with your previous post on the same subject?

Have you tried what I have suggested?

Thank you


Rising Star

@ozhurakousky Thanks a lot for taking time to help me. Yeah, I had tired your suggestion. and I just wrote a very detail message on what I did on the previous post.

Rising Star

update: I finally figured out how to setup IBM MQ for Nifi

Here is my steps to setup IBM MQ for the Nifi connection

1) Create queue manager myMQManager using MQ Explorer

2) create Channel and queue using the following commands

runmqsc myMQManager

def chl(myMQChannel) chltype(svrconn) replace

def chl(myMQChannel) chltype(clntconn) conname('localhost(1420)') QMNAME('myMQManager') replace

def ql(myMQqueue)

2) Grant necessary authorization for a user using MQ Explorer

2.1 Queue Manager Authorities Setting

right click your queue manager-->Object Authorities-->Add Role Based Authorities -->give the user access permission

2.2 Queue Authorities Setting

right click your queue-->Object Authorities-->Manage Authority Records-->Specific Profiles--> your queue--> Accumulated authorities-->setup your user Access Permission for the queue

3) After the configuration and setup your Nifi ConsumeJMS processor, you should be able connect to IBM MQ