Created 02-28-2018 05:54 AM
I am trying to automate ranger ldap integration. I am stuck at on how to drop "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword" value using ambari "" script ?
Can you please guide on how to achieve this ?
I tried to check in working cluster which has ranger ldap integrated and the output is as below -
# ./ -u admin -p admin -port 8080 get `hostname` hdptest ranger-ugsync-site |grep ldapbind "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword" : "SECRET:ranger-ugsync-site:11:ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword",
Not sure how the password is stored or taken in the value.
Created 02-28-2018 06:23 AM
Not sure if i understood the query correctly... But i tried this
1. Get the "ranger-ugsync-site" config as following using "action=get"
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=get --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site --file=/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json
2. Edited the file "/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json" and changed the value of property "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword" in clear text like "ABCD..blah..blah"
3. set this file back using the following command. (action=set)
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=set --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site --file=/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json
In order to verify the password was set correctly or not i then tried to get the value again:
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=get --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site | grep 'ldapbindpassword' "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword": "SECRET:ranger-ugsync-site:3:ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword",
Created 02-28-2018 05:54 AM
Created 02-28-2018 06:23 AM
Not sure if i understood the query correctly... But i tried this
1. Get the "ranger-ugsync-site" config as following using "action=get"
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=get --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site --file=/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json
2. Edited the file "/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json" and changed the value of property "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword" in clear text like "ABCD..blah..blah"
3. set this file back using the following command. (action=set)
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=set --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site --file=/tmp/ranger-ugsync-site_payload.json
In order to verify the password was set correctly or not i then tried to get the value again:
# /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ --user=admin --password=admin --port=8080 --action=get --host=localhost --cluster=plain_ambari --config-type=ranger-ugsync-site | grep 'ldapbindpassword' "ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword": "SECRET:ranger-ugsync-site:3:ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword",
Created 03-01-2018 12:30 AM
@Jay Kumar SenSharma It worked. thanks you alot for quick help.