Created 08-01-2017 01:53 PM
Hi team i have hql query for data insertion INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ${hiveconf:TB_MASTER} .
i am aware hiveconf:TB_MASTER is variable but i am not aware where i can get variable value for TB_MASTER, can you help me to possibilities to find value?
Created 08-01-2017 03:38 PM
hi @rama
Typically, the variable would be defined somewhere earlier in the script that contains the query, or in the CLI, with a SET statement. Something like: SET TB_MASTER=table_name;
If you don't see where it was defined, then you would most likely be guessing from the total databases and tables within your system. If the system is very small, that might be feasible. You can use the "show databases" command to list the databases. If you see one that makes sense, you can issue a "use <database_name>" command and then issue a "show tables" to view the list of table names that exist within that Hive database.
Here are some links on Hive variables and how they work.
Created 08-01-2017 03:38 PM
hi @rama
Typically, the variable would be defined somewhere earlier in the script that contains the query, or in the CLI, with a SET statement. Something like: SET TB_MASTER=table_name;
If you don't see where it was defined, then you would most likely be guessing from the total databases and tables within your system. If the system is very small, that might be feasible. You can use the "show databases" command to list the databases. If you see one that makes sense, you can issue a "use <database_name>" command and then issue a "show tables" to view the list of table names that exist within that Hive database.
Here are some links on Hive variables and how they work.