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how to install ranger on hdp2.4.2 when ambari doesnt contain ranger

Super Collaborator

I am using azure hdinsights(hadoop cluster) with HDP 2.4.2 and the services available in ambari are


2: MR2


4: Hive

5: Tez

6: Pig

7: Sqoop

8: Oozie

9: Zookeeper

10: Ambari Metrics

11: Kerberos

12: Slider

When i try to add a service in ambari i dont see ranger available. So how do i install Ranger and still be able to start and stop it from ambari.

I tried to follow this link but it is not clear



@chennuri gouri shankar

HDInsight does not include the full stack of HDP components. If you'd like to use Ranger and other components not included with HDI (e.g. Spark, Kafka, Storm), then you should look at using HDP on the Azure Marketplace. You can stand up a cluster quickly and use the full HDP stack.

View solution in original post


Super Guru


@chennuri gouri shankar

HDInsight does not include the full stack of HDP components. If you'd like to use Ranger and other components not included with HDI (e.g. Spark, Kafka, Storm), then you should look at using HDP on the Azure Marketplace. You can stand up a cluster quickly and use the full HDP stack.

Rising Star

The link posted above is the 2.4.0 version of the Manual Install Guide. Here's a link to the 2.4.2 version, which is not only the latest version but the version you were asking about. I'm the writer that currently owns the Manual Install Guide, so if you find anything that is confusing, please let me know and I'll try to get you an answer.

Super Collaborator
@plevinson and @Sagar Shimpi

I want to use ranger but i would like to manage it through Ambari. If i am following the steps mentioned by you guys will ranger show up in Ambari console?.


I want to explore how easy it would be using HDI and as a part of that i want to see how easy it is to add unsupported services. Thanks for mentioning to run HDP on Azure i can have that as a option if i cant install it on HDI.

I made some progress installing Ranger on HDI. I copied the Ranger related directories from "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/" and placed them in "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/". After restart Ambari was able to list Ranger as a service in add service wizard however i cannot go past the "Customize Services" step.

Is this an valid method of adding Ranger to Ambari. Any help would be much appreciated.


What version of Ambari are you relying on?