Created 01-27-2018 06:42 PM
in some cases we get failed during blueprint installation on ( new ambari cluster )
the last line that we run in order to install the blueprint is:
curl -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST -u "$USER"":""$PASSWORD" http://$host:8080/api/v1/clusters/HDP -d @hostmapping.json
in case of blueprint failed , we can just to look from the ambari cluster GUI and see the secrives that failed
but this isn't gives us the root cause why bluprint failed
please advice how to trace the bluprint installation and find out on which exactly blueprint failed ?
Created 01-27-2018 08:35 PM
We can take a look at the "/var/log/ambari-server/ambari-serverlog" file to see why it failed. ambari-server.log logs the cause of blueprint installation failure.
Created 01-27-2018 08:35 PM
We can take a look at the "/var/log/ambari-server/ambari-serverlog" file to see why it failed. ambari-server.log logs the cause of blueprint installation failure.
Created 01-27-2018 08:59 PM
@Jay I see this warning
WARN [Stack Version Loading Thread] LatestRepoCallable:237 - Could not load version definition for HDP-2.6 identified by null javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException , but its very starnge because we use the lower HDP version
Created 01-27-2018 09:03 PM
why he check the repo ? , , we use local repo in ambari server
Created 01-27-2018 09:13 PM
@jay if you
think this isnt the direction then what to capture from the log?