Created 01-06-2016 07:01 PM
Can anyone let me know how to use Sqoop to export data from Hive to a flat file to be picked up by Hive again?
I understand that Sqoop can export data to tables, however I have a scenario where I want to export data into flat files
Created 01-07-2016 12:53 AM
Thanks Artem and Neeraj. I just copied the data from /apps/hive/warehouse to a local directory.
Note: Hive data is not necessary located in the folder mentioned above. i.e. external table can be defined anywhere within the HDFS. hive –e “DESCRIBE FORMATTED <tablename>” > <tablename_descformat>.txt;
This command is to collect detail information of tables. The detail information for a table includes column, partition, database it belongs, owner, create time, last access time, protect mode, location, table type, storage information and etc.
Created 01-06-2016 08:15 PM
unless you're using orc, the files you use for Hive are in their raw form. You can just browse to /apps/hive/warehouse dir and look at them. No need to use sqoop.
Created 01-06-2016 11:02 PM
Thanks for reply. I'm using orc format
Created 01-10-2016 12:44 PM
@vijaya inturi you can also read orc and output to flat file using pig
A = load ‘student.orc’ using OrcStorage();
Store A into 'file' using PigStorage([options]);
Created 01-06-2016 09:53 PM
You can use this to write into HDFS from existing table
INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/path/to/output/dir' SELECT * FROM table
Created 01-06-2016 11:05 PM
Thanks Neeraj. Is there any command to export all the data from the hive database into a flat file?
Created 01-07-2016 12:53 AM
Thanks Artem and Neeraj. I just copied the data from /apps/hive/warehouse to a local directory.
Note: Hive data is not necessary located in the folder mentioned above. i.e. external table can be defined anywhere within the HDFS. hive –e “DESCRIBE FORMATTED <tablename>” > <tablename_descformat>.txt;
This command is to collect detail information of tables. The detail information for a table includes column, partition, database it belongs, owner, create time, last access time, protect mode, location, table type, storage information and etc.
Created 01-07-2016 01:41 AM
yes correct, but if table is already external, then I don't see a point in need to sqoop data out of Hive as you can just work with those files directly.
Created 01-07-2016 01:42 AM
also as a good practice, since you achieved the intended result, please accept one of the answers you see fit to close out the thread.