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jolttransformjson - transform some elements but keep others

Super Guru

I have a complex json and I am using jolttransformjson processor to flatten out the json. I have looked at following links which are very helpful.

But what I still can't find is an example that shows transforming some attributes and not others. So, I have a json and the only thing I want to do really is keep records which contain certain value. Rest will be filtered out. but everything else in the json remains the way it is. Can someone share a quick example of this?



Hi, I'm not yet sure if that can be done in JOLT spec. However, how about approaching it from the flow-based programming standpoint? The steps should be:

  • Transform with JOLT - do all, no filtering
  • EvaluateJsonPath into an attribute - extract values that will be used to make a decision
  • RouteOnAttribute - use an expression against the above set of attributes to implement the filtering logic. E.g. discard or re-route records which don't match the criteria.

View solution in original post



Hi, I'm not yet sure if that can be done in JOLT spec. However, how about approaching it from the flow-based programming standpoint? The steps should be:

  • Transform with JOLT - do all, no filtering
  • EvaluateJsonPath into an attribute - extract values that will be used to make a decision
  • RouteOnAttribute - use an expression against the above set of attributes to implement the filtering logic. E.g. discard or re-route records which don't match the criteria.

Super Guru

Thank you @Andrew Grande

Quick question. If I don't need to do any filtering in jolt, why do I need it? To flatten it?

Super Guru

@Andrew Grande

So, I have done step 1 and 2 as you suggested. I am not sure how to implement step 3. Using jolt json, I have flattened my json by moving following objects from array to now as another attribute of the record.

"event_1_detail":{"type":"comma separated values","Description":"<important value>",<many other attributes>}

"event_2_detail":{"type":"comma separated values","Description":"<important value>",<many other attributes>}

"event_3_detail":{"type":"comma separated values","Description":"<important value>",<many other attributes>}

and so on. it's going to be different for each json record.

I have created flow-file attribute using EvalueJson processor which gets the description value. Now out of the elements shown above, I need to drop everything and retain only the one where

"Description":"<the value I want to retain>"

this means of "event_x_detail" above only the one which satisfies my criteria for description should be retained. the rest of json of course still remains there. just rest of "event_x_detail" are dropped. How do i do this using RouteOnAttribute?

Master Guru

In a JOLT spec, if you don't explicitly provide a transformation for a particular field, it will be excluded. So you can include matching rules for the fields you care about (i.e. those that have a certain value), the rest will be discarded. Check the "Filter data from an Array, based on a leaf level value" example at the JOLT Demo online app.

New Contributor

If there anyway I can get both transformed and original json out of JoltTransformation processor?


If there anyway I can get both transformed and original json out of JoltTransformation processor?

Master Guru

Looks like @Bryan Bende answered your question on SO.

New Contributor

You can use * and & to copy all in a shift operation

New Contributor

For example I want to transform the zabbix payload from v4.0 to v4.4:


Zabbix Json Payload v4.0 (INPUT)


  "hosts": [
    "Host B",
    "Zabbix Server"
  "groups": [
    "Group X",
    "Group Y",
    "Group Z",
    "Zabbix servers"
  "tags": [
      "tag": "availability",
      "value": ""
      "tag": "data center",
      "value": "Riga"
  "name": "Either Zabbix agent is unreachable",
  "clock": 1519304285,
  "ns": 123456789,
  "eventid": 42,
  "value": 1



the JOLT transform:


    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "hosts": {
        "*": [
      "*": "&"


 The result ( Zabbix v4.4)


  "hosts" : [ {
    "host" : "Host B",
    "name" : "Host B"
  }, {
    "host" : "Zabbix Server",
    "name" : "Zabbix Server"
  } ],
  "groups" : [ "Group X", "Group Y", "Group Z", "Zabbix servers" ],
  "tags" : [ {
    "tag" : "availability",
    "value" : ""
  }, {
    "tag" : "data center",
    "value" : "Riga"
  } ],
  "name" : "Either Zabbix agent is unreachable",
  "clock" : 1519304285,
  "ns" : 123456789,
  "eventid" : 42,
  "value" : 1