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kafka-console-consumer not reading messages


I'm using HDP 2.3.4 with kafka 0.9

I just started to use kafka referring to this document, but having problem with the kafka-console-consumer.

below are the commands used to create a topic and publish messages

bin/ --zookeeper <serverX>:2181 --create --topic test2 --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1

bin/ --broker-list <brokerX>:6667 --topic test2 --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT

both commands worked well.

Tried kafka simple consumer, and worked well, message were read and displayed

bin/ --broker-list <brokerX>:6667 --topic test2 --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT --partition 0

bin/ --broker-list <brokerX>:6667 --topic test2 --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT --partition 1

but I'm not able to get kafka-console-consumer work.

Tried below command first, but hitting exceptions:

bin/ --zookeeper <serverX>:2181 --topic test2 --from-beginning --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT

WARN [console-consumer-89015_xxx-1475146648772-75b1a67a-leader-finder-thread], Failed to find leader for Set([test2,0], [test2,1]) (kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager$LeaderFinderThread) kafka.common.BrokerEndPointNotAvailableException: End point SASL_PLAINTEXT not found for broker 1002

some online post suggested to use new-consumer option for kafka 0.9, so tried the command below:

bin/ --zookeeper <serverX>:2181 --topic test2 --bootstrap-server <serverY>:9092 --new-consumer --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT

consumer started without error, but no messages were read and displayed.

I'm not sure what went wrong, any suggestions? Thanks a lot!


Master Guru

If you are not using Kerberos, can you open bin/ in an editor and comment out Kerberos related "export" command from the script. In my related article, at the bottom, you can find a sed command how to comment out those commands in all kafka scripts.

Super Collaborator

Hi @pp z

  • Check whether console consumer works with --bootstrap-server = broker instead of --zookeeper.
  • Check advertised listener in Is it of the form PLAINTEXTSASL://host:port?
  • Check whether security_protocol = PLAINTEXTSASL exists in
  • Are you getting the exception: WARN SASL configuration No JAAS configuration section named 'Client' was found in specified JAAS configuration file. If yes, then modify kafka_client_jaas.conf to include a Client section, you'll most likely get that in kafka_jaas.conf. If not, then ignore this.
  • Use --security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL instead of SASL_PLAINTEXT.
  • Check whether you're able to start a authenticated connection to zookeeper-client. If not, give the path of conf file that has client section as a JVM param. For example: export JVMFLAGS=" /usr/hdp/"

Try these and let me know.



--security-protocol PLAINTEXTSASL solved it