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kudu compaction did not run
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Apache Kudu
Created on 12-26-2018 11:48 PM - edited 09-16-2022 07:00 AM
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kudu1.7.0 in cdh 5.15
3 master nodes, 4c32g, ubuntu16.04
3 data nodes, 8c64g, 1.8T ssd, ubuntu16.04
Here is a table : project_construction_record, 62 columns, 170k records, no partition
The table has many crud operations every day
I run a simple sql on it (using impala):
SELECT * FROM project_construction_record ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
it takes 7 seconds!
By checking the profile, I found this:
KUDU_SCAN_NODE (id=0) (6.06s)
- BytesRead: 0 byte
- CollectionItemsRead: 0
- InactiveTotalTime: 0 ns
- KuduRemoteScanTokens: 0
- NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1
- PeakMemoryUsage: 3.4 MB
- RowsRead: 177,007
- RowsReturned: 177,007
- RowsReturnedRate: 29188/s
- ScanRangesComplete: 1
- ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0
- ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 6.09s
- MaterializeTupleTime
: 6.06s
- ScannerThreadsSysTime: 48ms
- ScannerThreadsUserTime: 172ms
So i check the scan of this sql, and found this:
column | cells read | bytes read | blocks read |
id | 176.92k | 1.91M | 19.96k |
org_id | 176.92k | 1.91M | 19.96k |
work_date | 176.92k | 2.03M | 19.96k |
description | 176.92k | 1.21M | 19.96k |
user_name | 176.92k | 775.9K | 19.96k |
spot_name | 176.92k | 825.8K | 19.96k |
spot_start_pile | 176.92k | 778.7K | 19.96k |
spot_end_pile | 176.92k | 780.4K | 19.96k |
...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
There are so many blocks read.
Then I run the kudu fs list command, and I got a 70M report data, here is the bottom:
0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310988 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310989 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310990 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310991 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310992 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310993 | column 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310996 | undo 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310994 | bloom 0b6ac30b449043a68905e02b797144fc | 25024 | 40310995 | adhoc-index
there are 25024 rowsets, and more than 1m blocks in the tablet
I left the maintenance and the compact flags by default, only change the tablet_history_max_age_sec to one day:
--maintenance_manager_history_size=8 --maintenance_manager_num_threads=1 --maintenance_manager_polling_interval_ms=250 --budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size=33554432 --compaction_approximation_ratio=1.0499999523162842 --compaction_minimum_improvement=0.0099999997764825821 --deltafile_default_block_size=32768 --deltafile_default_compression_codec=lz4 --default_composite_key_index_block_size_bytes=4096 --tablet_delta_store_major_compact_min_ratio=0.10000000149011612 --tablet_delta_store_minor_compact_max=1000 --mrs_use_codegen=true --compaction_policy_dump_svgs_pattern= --enable_undo_delta_block_gc=true --fault_crash_before_flush_tablet_meta_after_compaction=0 --fault_crash_before_flush_tablet_meta_after_flush_mrs=0 --max_cell_size_bytes=65536 --max_encoded_key_size_bytes=16384 --tablet_bloom_block_size=4096 --tablet_bloom_target_fp_rate=9.9999997473787516e-05 --tablet_compaction_budget_mb=128 --tablet_history_max_age_sec=86400
It is a production enviroment, and many other tables have same issue, the performance is getting slower and slower.
So my question is:
why the compaction does not run? is it a bug? and can i do compact manually?
Created 12-27-2018 12:54 PM
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Hi huaj,
It looks like you are hitting KUDU-1400, which before the fix Kudu cmpacts rowsets based on overlap and not based on other criteria like on-disk size.
Unfortunately, there is no way to fix the small rowsets have been flushed. On the other hand, You can rebuild the affected tables, create new tables from this existing tables and see if that helps. Before doing that, please check this doc to see which patten usage pattern caused you to hit this issue and try to prevent that by following the recommendations.
FYI, this fix for KUDU-1400 should land in the next release CDH6.2.
Created 12-26-2018 11:52 PM
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I found this for that tablet in the tablet server metrics:
{ "name": "compact_rs_duration", "total_count": 0, "min": 0, "mean": 0, "percentile_75": 0, "percentile_95": 0, "percentile_99": 0, "percentile_99_9": 0, "percentile_99_99": 0, "max": 0, "total_sum": 0 },
compaction has never run!
Created 12-27-2018 12:54 PM
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Hi huaj,
It looks like you are hitting KUDU-1400, which before the fix Kudu cmpacts rowsets based on overlap and not based on other criteria like on-disk size.
Unfortunately, there is no way to fix the small rowsets have been flushed. On the other hand, You can rebuild the affected tables, create new tables from this existing tables and see if that helps. Before doing that, please check this doc to see which patten usage pattern caused you to hit this issue and try to prevent that by following the recommendations.
FYI, this fix for KUDU-1400 should land in the next release CDH6.2.
Created 12-27-2018 06:34 PM
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Thanks for reply, but that is a sad answer 😞
I reed the doc, indeed i trigger the 'Trickling inserts'
Small cruds are happenning to the table all the time, with low pressure
According to the doc's suggestion, i should do the below actions:
1. set --flush_threshold_secs long enough, like 1 day
2. create a new table, and copy all data to new table
3. drop the old table
4. rename the new table to the old table name
Is it right?
And, I see the cdh6.1 just release, when will 6.2 release?
Created 12-28-2018 10:03 AM
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Yes, but notice that raising --flush_threshold_secs too high can affect tablet server restart time.
Currently, CDH 6.2 is scheduled for March.
Created 12-28-2018 10:43 AM
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Just done it, and problem solved
Created 12-28-2018 08:17 PM
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Problem not solved
After a few hours, i check the rowset of that table, there are many small rowsets again!
And run this command, i see 137 rowsets
kudu fs list -fs_data_dirs=/data/1/kudu/data -fs_wal_dir=/data/1/kudu/wal -tablet_id=b110f90092b647e1bd5cd3de05b40aff
Here is my config in cm, and i have restarted kudu services after change it
Why was that? what can i du?
Created 12-29-2018 11:48 PM
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Sorry, i make a mistake
flush_threshold_secs flag is for both master and tabletserver
I did not set it on tabletserver, it's ok now after setting it
Created 03-01-2019 12:58 PM
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we hit exact same issue which was totally unexpected and a month before we would go LIVE. @huaj how is the fix working for you so far?
Created 03-08-2019 04:57 PM
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waiting for kudu 1.9 in the coming cdh 6.2, hoping they would solve the problem
flush_threshold_secs flag sucks
when make it long, the query performance on the records in MRS (not yet flushing) sucks