Hi @shashidharh
Someone with the requisite expertise in this area might yet weigh in on this thread, but I think the best way to get answers to these questions would be to get in contact with your Cloudera account rep and ask them.
Failing that, you can always read the relevant section of the public docs for Cloudera Enterprise 5.16.x here: Managing Licenses
…scroll down to the subsection License Expiration.
As far as your use of a trial license, that same page says:
You can use a trial license only once; when the 60-day trial period expires or you have ended the trial, you cannot restart the trial. With the trial license, you can upgrade to a Cloudera Enterprise license or downgrade to an express license.
So if you, for example, inherited this cluster and you are not certain that a trial license wasn't used before it would be wise to not rely on using a trial license, because that option might have already been exhausted.
Also, keep in mind that page was published quite a while ago, and Cloudera Express was discontinued over a year ago now; please see the announcement here: Cloudera Enterprise 6.3.3 Released
…scroll down to the subsection Important Note About Cloudera Express.
I would not expect a downgrade to an express license to now actually work in practice. It might, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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