Created 05-28-2016 11:16 AM
I have ran into an issue. I am getting hive prompt and also running basic hive queries which did'nt execute MR job at backend. but when i ran query which execute MR job at backend it hang up with no further progress(no mapper/reducer progress).
I have checked REsource manager queue, it looks ok as the container is allocated to the query only.
Also i have checked my MapReduce2 is up and running.
can anybody suggest what needs to be done in this case?
Created 05-28-2016 12:24 PM
A job stuck inaccepted
state on YARN is usually because of free resources are not enough. You can check it athttp://resourcemanager:port/cluster/scheduler
Memory Used + Memory Reserved >= Memory Total
, memory is not enoughVCores Used + VCores Reserved >= VCores Total
, VCores is not enoughIt may also be limited by parameters such asmaxAMShare
Follow the blog -
This describes in detail how to set the parameters for YARN containers.
Check below parameters -
1) yarn-site.xml
2) mapred-site.xml
Created 05-30-2016 06:50 PM
@Tajinderpal Singh You can also use the below script recommended by HWX -
You can try this to get recommendations as per your cluster resources.
Created 05-28-2016 01:15 PM
can you tell me the recommended setting for my cluster.
I have 3 nodes each dual core. 1 node with 12 GB RAM and other two with 6 GB RAM
Created 06-01-2016 10:57 AM
It seems to be a test cluster and has very less Memory. I will suggest to go with default configuration where mapper size will be 1Gb and reducer will be 2Gb. This si taken care by ambari default.
Created 06-02-2016 06:37 AM
Someone know why my Pig/ Hive job are not working?
I follow HDP (automation install) in one vmware with 16GB, everything is fine (all services are green in Ambari)
But when I try to use Pig/ Hive in Ambari View, they are all failed stopped at 0% complete.
I also try to login the terminal and manually run Pig/ example wordcount, the problem is the same.
Someone have the same problem like this?
Does One VM is not enough for Ambari hdp cluster? (if true, why sandbox is fine? )