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need help to rest sentry admin password


Hi ,

we have added a user via ldap and using super user we have given Grants to the added user but when we log-in in hue using the same and later try to execute create table statement its giving us:

  • Authorization Exception: User <user> does not have privileges to execute 'CREATE' on: default

as we don't have sentry admin password with us. I need to reset it so that i can log-in using sentry admin and provide the privilege's.

i am thinking it should work. please help if there is another work around for this. 

urgently we need to give privilege's to the added user.


Community Manager

@sain Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our Hive experts @asish @smruti @tjangid who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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Expert Contributor

Hi @sain,

What is the CDH/CDP version you are using? If you are using the latest version of CDP, you can grant access via Ranger.

In CDH, the access was managed via Sentry and hence you would need to grant access via Sentry. You can also manage the same via Hue if you have the required privileges: 

Let me know if this helps. 





i am using CDH 6.2.0 and its managed via sentry.

we somehow lost admin password. so we are not able to access hue via sentry admin that's why i am trying to understand a way to reset the password so i could give privilege's to the new user.


thanks for your help


i have changed sentry admin and now impala cant access database, i have update hue configuration where sentry password was stored. please let me know where i have to update as well.

error message : 

  • LDAP server Error: Failed to bind to LDAP server as user Sentry_Admin



please reply. sentry admin is not allowing to grant any privilege. so how to reset sentry password and login in hue to give privilege.

Expert Contributor

Hi @sain,

can you please share some error snapshots of where and what exact error you are getting?


the issue is resolve by adding user into dlhue group which was also present on ldap. the group is been given previleges by sentry to access hive tables.