Created 09-12-2022 09:11 AM
we are using ambari with hdp 2.6.5
the permissions are being managed by the ranger, but checking the ranger settings, it's only managing the /apps/hive/warehouse directory on the hdfs
the problem we are having is in the /area/data/pll directory on the hdfs, this directory has acl rwx permission for the user
using beeline to create an external table is returning the error:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [service_user] does not have [ALL] privilege on [hdfs://service1/area/data/pll] (state=42000,code=40000)
but using hive cli does not return error, table is created successfully.
What could be causing this problem?
Created 09-12-2022 09:46 AM
Hi @yagoaparecidoti Ranger Hive plugin only applies to Hiveserver2. Hive CLI should be protected using permissions at the HDFS folder/file level using Ranger or HDFS ACLs.
Created 09-12-2022 10:55 AM
hi @Scharan
so, does the ranger only work the permissions if it uses beeline or connections that access the hiveserver2 address?
Created 09-12-2022 11:58 AM