I ran pyspark code the first time it was fine, the second time it dies and show this on every single cell of my zeppelin notebook, and also other notebook that I am running with pyspark, I have to t restart the interpreter order to fix this.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/folders/zh/dvdnf74d1t9cq78hjjm3xft80000gn/T/zeppelin_pyspark-1462033700144752464.py", line 343, in sc.setJobGroup(jobGroup, "Zeppelin") File "/Users/titusfong/spark/python/pyspark/context.py", line 902, in setJobGroup self._jsc.setJobGroup(groupId, description, interruptOnCancel) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setJobGroup'