Created 07-10-2017 10:42 AM
Hi friends,
In python how to control configuration files am having two configuration file one is by default configuration another real time config file if the real time config file having some object details some defined as empty if any defined values are empty it should take from default configure json file otherwise it not empty should take from current config json file??
step1: am having on config json file as shown below:
[{ "parser_config":
{ "vista": { "Parser_info": { "module_name": "A", "class_name": "a", "standardformat1": { "transaction": "filename", "terminal": "filenme2", "session": "filename3" } } }, "Agilis": { "Parser_info": { "module_name": "B", "class_name": "b", "standardformat1": { "transaction": "filename", "terminal": "filenme2", "session": "filename3" } } } },
"merger_processor_config": { "Merger": { "standardformat1": { "vista": { "file_names": ["transaction", "terminal"], "parser_output_join_columns": ["TERMINALID"] }, "commander": { "file_names": ["transaction", "terminal"], "parser_output_join_columns": ["TERMINALID"] } }, "source_merge_join_columns": [ "TERMINALID", "BUSINESSDATE", "TXNSEQNO" ], "input_path": "/tenantShortName/yyyyMMdd/", "primary_datatype": "Vista", "module_name": "A", "class_name": "a", "merged_output": "true", "merger_output_filepath": "/customer1/MergerOutput/" }, "Processor": { "terminal_transaction_fact_processor": { "module_name": "nme1", "class_name": "nme2", "usecase_processor": { "usecase1": { "module_name": "nme1", "class_name": "nme2" } } } } }, "path_details": { "parent_path": "wasbs://" }, "db_details": { "datawarehouse_url": "", "datawarehouse_username": "", "datawarehouse_password": "" } }]
step2: am calling that configuration file objects here
import json
from pprint import pprint
with open('Config.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
#val = data["parser_config"]
for val in data:
print"parser_config =====",val["parser_config"]["vista"]
step3: If am having another swathi_configure json file in that file am having few values of objects as shown in below
[{ "parser_config": { "vista": { "Parser_info": { "module_name": "A", "class_name": "a", "standardformat1": { "transaction": "filename", "terminal": "filenme2", "session": "filename3" } } },
"path_details": { "parent_path": "wasbs://" }, "db_details": { "datawarehouse_url": "", "datawarehouse_username": "", "datawarehouse_password": "" } }]
step4: In the config file having only three objects parser_config,path_details,db_details remaining objects are not existed not existed fields to be from default config file if any objects not existed in current config file it should go for default config file and collects like a trace back.
If the current config file having objects it should take current of objects in from current config json file
how to write a code to control on config.json& swathi_configure.json
please help today i need to complete this task give me how to solve this problem
Thanks in advance
Created 07-11-2017 12:36 PM
You can use the dict.update() method: read the default config first to a dictionary, then read your config and call default.update(yours).
But keep an eye on the fact that your two configs are not compatible: in your config "path_details" and "db_details" are the children of "parser_config", while in the default config they are on the same level. If we assume that the original config is correct, then you should update swathi_configure.json like this:
[{ "parser_config": { "vista": { "Parser_info": { "module_name": "A", "class_name": "a", "standardformat1": { "transaction": "filename", "terminal": "filenme2", "session": "filename3" } } } }, "path_details": { "parent_path": "wasbs://" }, "db_details": { "datawarehouse_url": "", "datawarehouse_username": "", "datawarehouse_password": "" } }]
With these two files the following code does what you want:
import json from pprint import pprint with open('config.json') as default_file, \ open('swathi_configure.json') as current_file: # [0]: take the first and only item from your list # If you have more items, use a for loop default = json.load(default_file)[0] current = json.load(current_file)[0] default.update(current) # default is your merged config now pprint(default)
Created 07-11-2017 12:36 PM
You can use the dict.update() method: read the default config first to a dictionary, then read your config and call default.update(yours).
But keep an eye on the fact that your two configs are not compatible: in your config "path_details" and "db_details" are the children of "parser_config", while in the default config they are on the same level. If we assume that the original config is correct, then you should update swathi_configure.json like this:
[{ "parser_config": { "vista": { "Parser_info": { "module_name": "A", "class_name": "a", "standardformat1": { "transaction": "filename", "terminal": "filenme2", "session": "filename3" } } } }, "path_details": { "parent_path": "wasbs://" }, "db_details": { "datawarehouse_url": "", "datawarehouse_username": "", "datawarehouse_password": "" } }]
With these two files the following code does what you want:
import json from pprint import pprint with open('config.json') as default_file, \ open('swathi_configure.json') as current_file: # [0]: take the first and only item from your list # If you have more items, use a for loop default = json.load(default_file)[0] current = json.load(current_file)[0] default.update(current) # default is your merged config now pprint(default)