Created 09-23-2016 10:02 PM
I am getting the following error during compilation, also below are the build.sbt file and the source code. :
[info] Done updating. [info] Compiling 4 Scala sources to /root/weblogs/target/scala-2.11/classes... [error] /root/weblogs/src/main/scala/LogSQL.scala:60: value createOrReplaceTempView is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame [error] requestsDataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView("requests") [error] ^ [error] one error found [error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
scala code
[root@hadoop1 scala]# more LogSQL.scala import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext, Time} import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import java.util.regex.Pattern import java.util.regex.Matcher import Utilities._ /** Illustrates using SparkSQL with Spark Streaming, to issue queries on * Apache log data extracted from a stream on port 9999. */ object LogSQL { def main(args: Array[String]) { // Create the context with a 1 second batch size val ssc = new StreamingContext("local[*]", "LogSQL", Seconds(1)) setupLogging() // Construct a regular expression (regex) to extract fields from raw Apache log lines val pattern = apacheLogPattern() // Create a socket stream to read log data published via netcat on port 9999 locally val lines = ssc.socketTextStream("", 9998, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER) // Extract the (URL, status, user agent) we want from each log line val requests = => { val matcher:Matcher = pattern.matcher(x) if (matcher.matches()) { val request = val requestFields = request.toString().split(" ") val url = util.Try(requestFields(1)) getOrElse "[error]" (url,, } else { ("error", 0, "error") } }) // Process each RDD from each batch as it comes in requests.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => { // So we'll demonstrate using SparkSQL in order to query each RDD // using SQL queries. // Get the singleton instance of SQLContext val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(rdd.sparkContext) import sqlContext.implicits._ // SparkSQL can automatically create DataFrames from Scala "case classes". // We created the Record case class for this purpose. // So we'll convert each RDD of tuple data into an RDD of "Record" // objects, which in turn we can convert to a DataFrame using toDF() val requestsDataFrame = => Record(w._1, w._2, w._3)).toDF() // Create a SQL table from this DataFrame requestsDataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView("requests") // Count up occurrences of each user agent in this RDD and print the results. // The powerful thing is that you can do any SQL you want here! // But remember it's only querying the data in this RDD, from this batch. val wordCountsDataFrame = sqlContext.sql("select agent, count(*) as total from requests group by agent") println(s"========= $time =========") // If you want to dump data into an external database instead, check out the // org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter class! It can write dataframes via // jdbc and many other formats! You can use the "append" save mode to keep // adding data from each batch. }) // Kick it off ssc.checkpoint("C:/checkpoint/") ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } } /** Case class for converting RDD to DataFrame */ case class Record(url: String, status: Int, agent: String) /** Lazily instantiated singleton instance of SQLContext * (Straight from included examples in Spark) */ object SQLContextSingleton { @transient private var instance: SQLContext = _ def getInstance(sparkContext: SparkContext): SQLContext = { if (instance == null) { instance = new SQLContext(sparkContext) } instance } }
[root@hadoop1 weblogs]# more build.sbt name := "weblogs" version := "1.0" scalaVersion := "2.11.6" resolvers ++= Seq( "Apache HBase" at "", "Typesafe repository" at "" ) libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.6.2", "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % "1.6.2", "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "1.6.2", "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-mllib" % "1.6.2" )
Created 09-29-2016 06:45 PM
I fixed this issue by upgrading from SPARK 1.6.2 to SPARK2.0. I actually upgraded my HDC2.4 cluster to HDC2.5.
Created 09-26-2016 06:15 PM
Is the following missing from your import statements?
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
Created 09-27-2016 04:05 PM
I added this line but still getting the same error ?
[info] Compiling 4 Scala sources to /root/weblogs/target/scala-2.11/classes... [error] /root/weblogs/src/main/scala/LogSQL.scala:60: value createOrReplaceTempView is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame [error] requestsDataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView("requests") [error] ^ [error] one error found [error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed [error] Total time: 14 s, completed Sep 27, 2016 12:04:22 PM
Created 09-27-2016 04:28 PM
Created 09-27-2016 07:01 PM
I found two solutions to the similar problem I am facing on web , do they apply to my code ?
1- Import implicits:
Note that this should be done only after an instance of org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext is created. It should be written as:
val sqlContext= new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._
2- Move case class outside of the method:
case class, by use of which you define the schema of the DataFrame, should be defined outside of the method needing it. You can read more about it here:
Created 09-29-2016 06:45 PM
I fixed this issue by upgrading from SPARK 1.6.2 to SPARK2.0. I actually upgraded my HDC2.4 cluster to HDC2.5.
Created 09-30-2016 05:55 PM
The upgrade addressed it, but I guess that we still don't know the cause.