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set encryption back to the old scheme

New Contributor

Hi All,

I have initiated  node repair in cloudera atlus director on 2 different clusters and both of them are stuck. In addition to this, I am getting aws login error for one the cluster and I could not see the option to update. 

I have restarted cloudera-director-server. I am able to see the service active and running but the UI is down.

Looking at application.log, I could see below error. 

Unable to recrypt the database because there are still entities in the process of being created, updated or terminated. Please set encryption back to the old scheme, start the server, and wait for in-flight operations to complete.

We are using mysql database in the backend and there are a bunch of databases and tables. I am not sure where to set the encyption back to old scheme. OR If the issue could be anything else.

Can someone please help?



Community Manager

Welcome to the community @bvaka. While you wait for a more knowledgeable member to chime in here, allow me to share this document in case it gets you any closer. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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