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sqoop incremental import working fine ,now i want know how to update value move into hive table
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Apache HBase
Apache Hive
Apache Sqoop
Created ‎01-20-2016 05:07 AM
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Mysql table
no | student name | dept
1 | siva | IT
2 | raj | cse
now i create sqoop incremental JOB data move into hive table (sqoop job --exec student_info)
hive table
no | student name | dept
1 | siva | IT
2 | raj | cse
working fine .
now i update mysql Table Column value ( dept ) IT -> EEE IN ID 1
Mysql Table
no | student name | dept
1 | siva | EEE
now i again run the sqoop increment import job (sqoop job --exec student_info)
IT Show that message
16/01/20 04:41:42 INFO tool.ImportTool: Incremental import based on column `id`
16/01/20 04:41:42 INFO tool.ImportTool: No new rows detected since last import.
[root@sandbox ~]
data not move into hive table
i want know how to move update value move into hive table (or) if not possible means how to move to NOSQL (HBASE) tabe
Created ‎01-24-2016 01:28 AM
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Attached is the full example, and here are the highlights. Table in Mysql defined below. For best results use timestamp as your date/time field. If you use just "date" like in your table you are ending up with low time granularity, so if you run the same job more than once a day it will import all new records updated that day.
Populate the table with 5000 entries. Create and run a new Sqoop job writing into a hdfs directory, please adjust for hbase. I'm showing only the important output lines, see the attachment for full ouput (the "driver" option is required on the sandbox, you can ignore it, and I'm using only 1 mapper because my table is small):
[it1@sandbox ~]$ sqoop job --create incjob -- import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username it1 --password hadoop --table st1 --incremental lastmodified -check-column ts --target-dir sqin -m 1 --merge-key id [it1@sandbox ~]$ sqoop job --exec incjob 16/01/24 00:27:59 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 16/01/24 00:28:09 INFO tool.ImportTool: Incremental import based on column ts 16/01/24 00:28:09 INFO tool.ImportTool: Upper bound value: '2016-01-24 00:28:09.0' 16/01/24 00:28:31 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Retrieved 5000 records. 16/01/24 00:28:31 INFO tool.ImportTool: Saving incremental import state to the metastore 16/01/24 00:28:31 INFO tool.ImportTool: Updated data for job: incjob
The first time all 5000 entries are imported. Note that import tool sets the "Upper bound value" of ts to the current time when the command is executed. Now, change 200 entries, and run the same job again:
[it1@sandbox ~]$ sqoop job --exec incjob 16/01/24 00:35:59 INFO tool.ImportTool: Incremental import based on column ts 16/01/24 00:35:59 INFO tool.ImportTool: Lower bound value: '2016-01-24 00:28:09.0' 16/01/24 00:35:59 INFO tool.ImportTool: Upper bound value: '2016-01-24 00:35:59.0' 16/01/24 00:36:20 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Retrieved 200 records. 16/01/24 00:36:57 INFO tool.ImportTool: Saving incremental import state to the metastore 16/01/24 00:36:58 INFO tool.ImportTool: Updated data for job: incjob
Now only 200 entries are imported. Lower bound value is the one set the first time, and the Upper bound value is updated to the current time, and so the job is ready for the next run. That's all, happy sqooping!
Created ‎01-20-2016 05:24 AM
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Use --incremental lastmodified, and you need to add an extra column to your MySql table with a time-stamp, and whenever you update a row in MySql you need to update the time-stamp column as well. Let's call that new column ts, then you can create a new Sqoop job like this:
$ sqoop job --create student_info2 -- import --connect ... --incremental lastmodified --check-column ts
And run student_info2. If you run from the cmd line you can also specify "--last-value last-ts" telling sqoop to import only rows where ts>last-ts. When you use saved jobs Sqoop does that for you.
Created ‎01-20-2016 06:24 AM
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thnks ,but i want how to with sqoop incremental import metadata,update column value into hive table
Created ‎01-20-2016 07:04 AM
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The above sqoop job will do that. Just add a new column to your MySql table like below. When you update your table ts will be updated automatically to the current time, and Sqoop will use ts to update only updated rows.
Created ‎01-20-2016 12:34 PM
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i dont have time stamp in my table ,i want know how do with without DATE format
Created ‎01-22-2016 05:22 AM
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Now i am using time lastmodified in this case , full data move into the hbase , i want only move new record ,how can i do that
Created ‎01-22-2016 05:53 AM
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Only the first time when importing with --lastmodified all records will be imported, after that try to update a few records in MySql and run your Sqoop job again, it is supposed to import only updated records. If it still doesn't work please post your MySql table schema, a few records from your table and your Sqoop job command.
Created ‎01-23-2016 09:36 AM
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Hi @sivasaravanakumar k If you run sqoop from the command line, without Sqoop job, then you have to add --last-value, try for example to add "--last-value 2016-01-01", then only a few records where Date_Item is in 2016 will be imported. You can actually see that in the output of Sqoop, it gives you exact time when you ran Sqoop. So with --last-value '2016-01-23 13:48:02' nothing will be imported (if your MySql table is unchanged). If you create a new Sqoop job like your "student_info", then Sqoop will keep that date-time for you and you can just run the job again to import updated records.
Created ‎01-20-2016 06:58 AM
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Check the "Single view" demo/workshop repo we put together here that show examples of both bulk import and incremental update from Mysql to Hive using staging/final tables:
The one you are looking for is the Mysql version, available here:
Created ‎06-20-2016 12:59 PM
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Hi, I'm getting the error "cause:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory" when I use the lastmodified incremental mode, where as I'm not getting the error for the append incremental mode. Why I'm getting the error when I use the lastmodified mode. How to fix this. Please suggest.