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two name nodes are stand by after configuring HA

Rising Star

i have configured high availability in my cluster which consists of three nodes

hadoop-master( node)

hadoop-slave-1( (another name node )

hadoop-slave-2 ( (data node)

without formatting name node ( converting a non-HA-enabled cluster to be HA-enabled) as described here

but i got two name nodes working as standby so i tried to move the transition of one of these two nodes to active by applying the following command

 hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive mycluster --forcemanual

with the following out put

17/04/03 08:07:35 WARN ha.HAAdmin: Proceeding with manual HA state management even though
automatic failover is enabled for NameNode at hadoop-master/
17/04/03 08:07:36 WARN ha.HAAdmin: Proceeding with manual HA state management even though
automatic failover is enabled for NameNode at hadoop-slave-1/
Illegal argument: Unable to determine service address for namenode 'mycluster'

my core-site is








my hdfs-site.xml is



















































what should the service address value be ? and what are possible solutions i can apply in order to turn on one name node of the two nodes to active state ?

note the zookeeper server on all three nodes is stopped


New Contributor

Please add zkcli command to login in znode and remove directory. Hope you understand.

zookeeper-client -server <zookeeper-server-host>:2181
(May use sudo if permission issue or login from HDFS User)
ls / or ls /hadoop-ha
(If you don't see any znode /hadoop-ha in ZK znode list, skip the step below)
rmr /hadoop-ha/nameservice1