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unexpected keyword argument 'ssl_version'


I am trying to run an impala shell and I receive the below error:

Error connecting: TypeError, __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ssl_version'

This happens after the upgrade to 3.4 impala version.


Expert Contributor

@drgenious How you upgraded impala? 


You can check "strace -s 2000 impala-shell -i hostname -k --ca-cert.pem -q "show databases > impala_log to verify if is referring correct impala version.



Master Collaborator

@drgenious This is an OS-level issue that will need to be addressed at the OS level by the system admin. The bottom line here is that thrift-0.9.2 needs to be uninstalled


There are various things that could be happening:
1) Multiple python versions.
2) Multiple pip versions.
3) Broken installation.

Solution: 1 - You can try to create the Python virtual environment to connect to impala-shell virtualenv venv -p python2 cd venv source bin/activate (venv) impala-shell

Solution : 2
(i) Remove easy-install.pth files available in, /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ (ii) Try running impala-shell

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