Created 12-15-2016 04:56 PM
scala> val parquetFile ="hdfs://clustername/folder/file")
any idea whats the issue ???
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cluster name
Created 12-15-2016 09:02 PM
your host name is set to "cluster name" which is incorrect. instead of the hdfs://clustername/folder/file" use hdfs://hostname/folder/file", update it with your hostname.
Created 03-12-2019 10:38 AM
About this answer: this isn't an answer, that's why we want HA and the cluster name. Is there no other way?
Created 04-25-2019 12:41 PM
I have used localhost as address assuming you are use a standalone conf, else you need to find out the name of the namenode. Also it might just need hdfs instead of webhdfs as prefix of the address. law dissertation writing service