Created on 12-23-2016 12:12 PM - edited 08-18-2019 03:48 AM
i get the twitter data and put those data into hdfs using nifi,it gives a data,but my date formate is in Tue Dec 20 10:04:31 +0000 2016 and i create a hive table with those twitter data.when i create that table i have created_time field and i need to set datatype as date,it shows an null value then i change the datatype as string it shows an value.then i need to transfer a that table into elasticsearch using es-hadoop but i confused what datatype i am going to use as time field.
i tried string to that time filed,it shows a value but when i visualize that field in kibana,in show an error a date type is required,
my query is given below:
i also tried ->change my created_time field as date but i shows a null value
create table if not exists tweets_text_partition( tweet_id bigint, created_unixtime bigint, created_time string, displayname string, msg string, fulltext string ) row format delimited fields terminated by "|" location "/tmp/tweets_staging"; ******************************************************************* curl -XPUT -d'{"rels":{"properties":{"tweet_id":{"type":"bigint"},"created_unixtime":{"type":"bigint"},"created_time":{"type":"string"},"displayname":{"type":"string"},"msg":{"type":"string"},"fulltext":{"type":"string"}}}}' *********************************************************************** ADD JAR /root/ elasticsearch-hadoop-5.1.1.jar; ADD JAR /usr/hdp/current/hive-client/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar; ********************************************************************************** CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test.twitter_es1 ( tweet_id bigint, created_unixtime bigint, created_time string, displayname string, msg string, fulltext string ) STORED BY 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.EsStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'es.resource' = 'twitterdata/data', 'es.nodes'='', '' = 'false', ''='tweet_id'); ************************************************************* INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test.twitter_es1 SELECT tweet_id, created_unixtime, created_time, displayname, msg, fulltext FROM test.tweets_hive1;
Created 12-23-2016 12:50 PM
The most direct way is to transform the date to correct format in NiFi. Alternatively, you could land it in a hive table and CTAS to a new table while transforming to correct format. See this for Hive timestamp format to be used in either case:
NiFi: Before putting to hdfs or hive, use a ReplaceText processor. You will use regex to find the timestamp pattern from original twitter json and replace it with the timestamp pattern needed in Hive/Kibana. This article should help you out:
Hive alternative: Here you either use a SerDe to transform the timestamp or you use regex. In both cases, you land the data in a Hive table, then CTAS (Create Table as Select) to a final table. This should help you out for this approach:
To me, the NiFi approach is superior (unless you must store the original with untransformed date into Hadoop).
Created 12-23-2016 12:50 PM
The most direct way is to transform the date to correct format in NiFi. Alternatively, you could land it in a hive table and CTAS to a new table while transforming to correct format. See this for Hive timestamp format to be used in either case:
NiFi: Before putting to hdfs or hive, use a ReplaceText processor. You will use regex to find the timestamp pattern from original twitter json and replace it with the timestamp pattern needed in Hive/Kibana. This article should help you out:
Hive alternative: Here you either use a SerDe to transform the timestamp or you use regex. In both cases, you land the data in a Hive table, then CTAS (Create Table as Select) to a final table. This should help you out for this approach:
To me, the NiFi approach is superior (unless you must store the original with untransformed date into Hadoop).