Created 03-28-2018 09:47 AM
Hi All,
I had setup HDP cluster using ambari UI.
Here I'm using postgres DB and would need to know why the DB to be configured for particular services only like hive, oozie and so on.
Please experts clarify more.
Thanks in advance.
Created 03-28-2018 10:02 AM
Some of the services such as HIVE, OOZIE, Ranger need a back end database to store Meta-data, you can pick one DB such as mariadb/mysql for all these metadata stores and configure through ambari.
Created 03-28-2018 10:02 AM
Some of the services such as HIVE, OOZIE, Ranger need a back end database to store Meta-data, you can pick one DB such as mariadb/mysql for all these metadata stores and configure through ambari.
Created 03-28-2018 01:15 PM
@adash thanks for your comment. Why these particular services are getting connected with DB. pls could you explain in detail like what happens exactly when we are using Hive, Oozie, and Ranger.
Created 03-28-2018 01:19 PM
HIVE needs to store meta data such as Table structures, OOZIE needs to store Job details etc. you can go into the db schemas of each product and see what they store. Its a persistent mechanism for storing meta data, please look at the internal architecture of each component, it will be clear.