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zip content listing into attributes

New Contributor

I am using UnpackContent to unzip zip files in Nifi. I'd like to create a list of the zip contents (a manifest) and stick that listing into an attribute. How can this be accomplished, it at all?


Super Guru

Hi @code_mnkey ,

Its not recommended to store possibly large values into attributes since attributes have size limit and are stored in JVM Memory (heap) which might result in out of memory exception in case you are dealing with large amount of zip files that might have large amount of file contents. May I ask why are you trying to store the file list in an attribute?

New Contributor

Each zip contains a json file along with a bunch of various file types. After unzipping, I do some processing on the other files and then I need to match up json with each of the other files contained in from the original zip file to create an elasticsearch document. I tried using a Content Merge based on the fragment attribute, but that is not working 100%. I am out of ideas on how to get this to work.