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Quick Start guide available for Google Cloud


You can now run Data Hub clusters in your Google Cloud Platform account.  To make it easier to get started with GCP on Google Cloud, a Quick Start is available that will walk you through the prerequisite set up required in your cloud provider account, as well as creating a CDP credential and registering an environment in CDP. This will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to set up a Proof of Concept for CDP. 


CDP requires a number of pre-requisites to be set up in your GCP Project before an environment can be created.  The Quick Start includes GCP Deployment Manager templates to automate creation of pre-requisite resources including VPC network, a subnet, firewall rules, service accounts and storage buckets.  


You can get started by reading the Quick Start on Google Cloud documentation.  Alternatively, if you'd prefer to set things up yourself, you can follow the documentation on working with a Google Cloud environment


Similar Quick Start guides are also available for AWS and Azure. For more details, please visit the Quick Starts section of the documentation.