ben.hemphill has earned 13 badges!
Feedback Allstar 108-17-2019Earned by 5,899You gave your 1st kudo to another member. You're awesome!
Feedback Allstar 208-17-2019Earned by 937You gave 10 kudos to other members. Way to go!
Graffiti Artist 108-17-2019Earned by 2,880You tagged your 1st post.
Helpful 108-17-2019Earned by 7,721You received your 1st kudo from another member. Thanks for helping out!
Helpful 208-17-2019Earned by 937You received 10 kudos from other members. You're awesome!
Helpful 308-17-2019Earned by 449You received 25 kudos from other members. Way to go!
Reply All Star 108-17-2019Earned by 14,769You made your 1st reply to a topic.
Reply All Star 208-17-2019Earned by 1,773You've made 10 replies to topics.
Reply All Star 308-17-2019Earned by 621You've made 40 replies to topics.
Reply All Star 408-17-2019Earned by 357You've made 75 replies to topics.
Solutionist 108-17-2019Earned by 2,879You've had 1 response marked as accepted solution.
Solutionist 208-17-2019Earned by 457You've had 5 responses marked as accepted solution.
Solutionist 308-17-2019Earned by 231You've had 10 responses marked as accepted solution.