guillaume_roger has earned 27 badges!
Conversationalist 109-04-2019Earned by 17,512You started your first new topic!
Conversationalist 209-04-2019Earned by 2,169You've started 5 new topics.
Conversationalist 309-04-2019Earned by 430You've started 20 new topics.
Feedback Allstar 110-01-2019Earned by 5,901You gave your 1st kudo to another member. You're awesome!
Feedback Allstar 203-30-2021Earned by 937You gave 10 kudos to other members. Way to go!
Graffiti Artist 110-01-2019Earned by 2,881You tagged your 1st post.
Helpful 108-17-2019Earned by 7,722You received your 1st kudo from another member. Thanks for helping out!
Helpful 203-30-2021Earned by 937You received 10 kudos from other members. You're awesome!
Reply All Star 109-04-2019Earned by 14,774You made your 1st reply to a topic.
Reply All Star 209-04-2019Earned by 1,774You've made 10 replies to topics.
Solutionist 109-04-2019Earned by 2,883You've had 1 response marked as accepted solution.
HCC: Alex Trebek08-17-2019Earned by 882
HCC: Citizen Patrol08-17-2019Earned by 202
HCC: Critic08-17-2019Earned by 368
HCC: Editor08-17-2019Earned by 5,554
HCC: Famous Question08-17-2019Earned by 4,810
HCC: Know-It-All08-17-2019Earned by 575
HCC: Notable Question08-17-2019Earned by 6,055
HCC: Organizer08-17-2019Earned by 807
HCC: Popular Question08-17-2019Earned by 6,943
HCC: Pundit08-17-2019Earned by 969
HCC: Scholar08-17-2019Earned by 4,092
HCC: Statler and Waldorf08-17-2019Earned by 965
HCC: Strunk & White08-17-2019Earned by 685
HCC: Student08-17-2019Earned by 2,944
HCC: Supporter08-17-2019Earned by 4,423
HCC: Teacher08-17-2019Earned by 2,071