Govins has earned 7 badges!
Conversationalist 111-14-2019Earned by 17,506You started your first new topic!
Feedback Allstar 106-29-2020Earned by 5,900You gave your 1st kudo to another member. You're awesome!
Frequent Visitor 102-07-2020Earned by 7,1993 days consecutive visits
Helpful 106-29-2020Earned by 7,722You received your 1st kudo from another member. Thanks for helping out!
Reply All Star 111-15-2019Earned by 14,771You made your 1st reply to a topic.
Reply All Star 206-29-2020Earned by 1,773You've made 10 replies to topics.
Solutionist 102-04-2020Earned by 2,881You've had 1 response marked as accepted solution.