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Title | Views | Posted |
3555 | 06-11-2020 02:45 PM | |
5249 | 05-01-2020 12:23 AM | |
3074 | 04-21-2020 03:38 PM | |
3647 | 04-14-2020 12:26 AM | |
2481 | 02-27-2020 05:51 PM |
03:21 AM
Hi Vinod, If your YARN jobs are running in local mode, then it means your Yarn Gateway role is not installed properly. If you go to CM > Yarn > Instances, can you confirm that this edgenode is on the list and have Gateway role assigned? What about the HDFS, do you have the same issue? So if you run "hdfs" command, does it list files in HDFS or local? Cheers Eric
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03:15 AM
@legendarier, Please go to CM > Cloudera Management Services > Instances > Service Monitor > Charts Library > Service Monitor Storage, and check impala-query-monitoring and see how old the data is (whether it has any data or not). See my screenshot below: This can help to confirm if data is stored correctly or not. In detail, CM agent will get two types of Impala queries and sends to Service Monitor, which will in term display in CM interface: 1. in flight queries CM agent will fetch in flight query IDs via API call: http(s)://{host}:{impalad-port}/inflight_query_ids CM agent will fetch in flight query details via API call: http(s)://{host}:{impalad-port}/query_profile_encoded?query_id={query_id} Above details will be combined and sent to Service Monitor service 2. finished queries CM agent will parse the query profiles under /var/log/impalad/profiles on the impala daemon host and sends data to Service monitor. So to troubleshoot the issue, you can check: a. CM agent log on the impala coordinator host to see if there is any impala related errors b. Service Monitor server log to see if there is any impala related errors Hope above helps. Cheers Eric
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03:00 AM
@ssk26, Have you tried to increase Default value is 1GB, and I see from your screenshot that requested 1GB exceeds AM's limit. Cheers Eric
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08:32 PM
And please suggest if you are using HDP or CDH, as they might behave differently.
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08:31 PM
@kvinod, Sorry, I don't have much clue here, I am checking with my team and see if anyone else can help. In the mean time, can you let us know in RM web UI, how many NodeManagers are healthy? Also, are you able to upload active RM logs for us to see a bigger picture? The log messages you provided is very limited. Cheers Eric
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02:37 PM
2 Kudos
@manjj, The query is now saved into table desktop_document2, not beeswax_savedquery anymore. Search for column type = 'query-impala', and you should be able to find your saved query over there. My table looks like below: MariaDB [hue_513]> select * from desktop_document2 order by id desc limit 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 50178
owner_id: 1
name: Test
description: Eric's Test query
uuid: 9cc2006e-9745-43bb-966d-f0bc12da2d2a
type: query-impala
data: {"loadingHistory": false..........
last_modified: 2020-01-06 14:33:03
version: 1
is_history: 0
parent_directory_id: 1
search: select * from test.my_table
is_managed: 0
is_trashed: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec) Cheers Eric
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02:29 PM
@HadoopHelp , You should use named_struct function to turn those strings into struct, please refer to Hive's UDF documentation: Complex Type Constructors So your query should be : insert into table data_TBL2
select id,
named_struct('fname', fname, 'lname', lname)
from dummy_TBL2 limit 1; Cheers Eric
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05:24 PM
@Cl0ck Glad that it is all resolved. cheers
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10:03 PM
@Shaneg For Sqoop export, parameter "--export-dir" is required, please refer to below doc: Export is designed to export HDFS data to RDBMS, not Hive tables to RDBMS. Hope that helps. Cheers Eric
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11:14 PM
No problem, glad that it helped. Cheers Eric
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