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Title | Views | Posted |
3395 | 12-29-2023 09:36 AM | |
4635 | 12-28-2023 01:01 PM | |
978 | 12-27-2023 12:14 PM | |
465 | 12-08-2023 12:47 PM | |
1471 | 11-21-2023 10:56 PM |
06:41 AM
I referred to the other article because of the custom listSFTP processor. This would make it possible to use only one PG with the workflow "move file from A to B", read the job configuration by any other processor, put the config values on a flowfile and pass it to this listSFTP processor.
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12:44 PM
You could implement this using Groovy script which is forward and backward compatible. I've taken code written in NiFi 1.X and works just fine in 2.X
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05:51 AM
Apparently in the github repo, there's a folder for processor example of base level, though it might not cover everything yet, might be a good place to solve basic issues. I had issues building a custom relationship as well, then I saw this example, which helped. Official Python Processor Examples
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02:02 PM
1 Kudo
Looks like NiFi is might be using GitHub - redis/jedis: Redis Java client under the covers so if it can run the commands you asked about, you might be able to build a custom Groovy processor to run them.
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01:48 PM
1 Kudo
What headers do you set inside of Postman?
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12:44 PM
1 Kudo
Have you tried not escaping you " with \" in your command line arguments?
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11:58 AM
I'm not sure if this can be done with out-of-the-box processors but I would do it with a Groovy based InvokeScriptedProcessor with code like this import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
class GroovyProcessor implements Processor {
PropertyDescriptor CHUNK_SIZE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Chunk Size")
.description("The chunk size to break up the incoming list of values.")
Relationship REL_SUCCESS = new Relationship.Builder()
.description('FlowFiles that were successfully processed are routed here')
Relationship REL_FAILURE = new Relationship.Builder()
.description('FlowFiles that were not successfully processed are routed here')
ComponentLog log
JsonSlurper jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
JsonOutput jsonOutput = new JsonOutput()
void initialize(ProcessorInitializationContext context) {
log = context.logger
Set<Relationship> getRelationships() {
Set<Relationship> relationships = new HashSet<>()
return relationships
Collection<ValidationResult> validate(ValidationContext context) {
PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(String name) {
void onPropertyModified(PropertyDescriptor descriptor, String oldValue, String newValue) {
List<PropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptors() {
List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>()
return Collections.unmodifiableList(descriptors)
String getIdentifier() {
void onScheduled(ProcessContext context) throws ProcessException {
void onUnscheduled(ProcessContext context) throws ProcessException {
void onStopped(ProcessContext context) throws ProcessException {
void setLogger(ComponentLog logger) {
void onTrigger(ProcessContext context, ProcessSessionFactory sessionFactory) throws ProcessException {
ProcessSession session = sessionFactory.createSession()
try {
List<FlowFile> flowFiles = session.get(1)
if (!flowFiles) return
Integer chunkSize = context.getProperty(CHUNK_SIZE).asInteger()
flowFiles.each { FlowFile flowFile ->
Map customAttributes = [ "mime.type": "application/json" ]
Map data = null, { inputStream -> data = jsonSlurper.parse(inputStream) } as InputStreamCallback)
List<List<String>> chunkedObjectIDs = data.objectIDs.collate(chunkSize)
chunkedObjectIDs.each { chunk ->
data = [
"objectIDs": chunk
FlowFile newFlowFile = session.create()
newFlowFile = session.write(newFlowFile, { outputStream -> outputStream.write(jsonOutput.toJson(data).getBytes("UTF-8")) } as OutputStreamCallback)
session.putAllAttributes(newFlowFile, customAttributes)
session.transfer(newFlowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
} catch (final Throwable t) {
log.error('{} failed to process due to {}; rolling back session', [this, t] as Object[])
throw t
processor = new GroovyProcessor()
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12:31 PM
Have you considered using EvaluateJSONPath to extract the value as a FlowFile attribute and then use that for your key when publishing to Kafka?
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11:51 AM
1 Kudo
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08:48 PM
No error when I write the flow file but in the super onTrigger session.get() returns a null. So I have tried to transfer to the same queue using session.transfer(ff) but that gives an error saying Cannot transfer FlowFiles that are created in this Session back to self`. Finally I have decided to write a custom processor from scratch using the code from invokeHttp for my usecase. Thank you all for the inputs.
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