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01:59 AM
Hello Team, I am running a process in which i am trying to run beeline command. While running beeline command with sudo it is working but if i am trying to run beeline in a process which if forked from parent process with the hive user it is failing with error 4 Can you please help me to debug what's going wrong or anything that i need to set. If i do su hiveuser and run the same command t works but while running via process it is failing. Command that i see while running via fork process : bash /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.1.7-1.cdh7.1.7.p0.15945976/bin/../lib/hive/bin/beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://;password=***;principal=hive/_HOST@DOMAIN.COM;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=*****;user=HiveUser;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2' -n loki -n /tmp/cmdcvhive.4015998.140520474391872 --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e 'use underscoretest; show tables;'
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
10:27 PM
Hi @smruti , Yes agree that we can set parameter in hdfs-site.xml, so that it will reflect, but i dont want to change replication factor of whole cluster. Its just while running command i want to change. i tried setting the property in hive-site.xml on all 3 nodes of cluster and restarted the hive service, but still it is failing with same error. <property> <name></name> <value>mapred\..*|hive\..*|mapreduce\..*|spark\..*|dfs\..*</value> </property> Error : Connected to: Apache Hive (version 3.1.3000. Driver: Hive JDBC (version 3.1.3000. Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ Error: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify dfs.replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=42000,code=1)
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10:03 PM
IT is still not working tried from the beeline shell too
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10:03 PM
0: jdbc:hive2://machine1.***.***.c> show databases; INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20231107010124_eaff8e06-cd0a-4484-a1b0-80f9eb2bae64): show databases INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed (retrial = false) INFO : Created Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:database_name, type:string, comment:from deserializer)], properties:null) INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_20231107010124_eaff8e06-cd0a-4484-a1b0-80f9eb2bae64); Time taken: 0.038 seconds INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20231107010124_eaff8e06-cd0a-4484-a1b0-80f9eb2bae64): show databases INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20231107010124_eaff8e06-cd0a-4484-a1b0-80f9eb2bae64); Time taken: 0.037 seconds INFO : OK +---------------------+ | database_name | +---------------------+ | default | | information_schema | | largedb | | newtest | | sys | | testdb | | underscore | | underscoretest | +---------------------+ 0: jdbc:hive2://machine1.***.***.c> set def-replication=1; Error: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify def-replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=42000,code=1)
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08:53 PM
Hello Team, I am trying to run beeline commandline to export the hive table to a location. i am trying to set replication factor to 1 but it if failing with following error : Error: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify dfs.replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=42000,code=1) Cluster details : 3 nodes cluster and in all hvie-site.xml i have set the following property and then restarted hive and hiveserver2 <property> <name></name> <value>mapred.*|hive.*|mapreduce.*|spark.*|dfs.*</value> </property> Beeline Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://;password=hive;principal=hive/_HOST@DEV.domain.COM;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=****;user=hive;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" -n hive--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "Set dfs.replication=1; use testdb; export table newt1 to '/staging/exporttable/testdb/newt1';" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://;password=hive;principal=hive/_HOST@DEV.domain.COM;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=****;user=hive;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" --hiveconf dfs.replication=1 -n hive--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "use testdb; export table newt1 to '/staging/exporttable/testdb/newt1';" Error : 23/10/31 02:01:14 [main]: ERROR jdbc.Utils: Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper Error: Could not open client transport for any of the Server URI's in ZooKeeper: Failed to open new session: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot modify dfs.replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=08S01,code=0)
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
11:05 PM
Hi @rki_ , i tired that but still it is failing with same error. sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://;password=hive;principal=hive/_HOST@DEV.domain.COM;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=****;user=hive;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" --hiveconf dfs.replication=1 -n hive--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "use testdb; export table newt1 to '/staging/exporttable/testdb/newt1';" Error : 23/10/31 02:01:14 [main]: ERROR jdbc.Utils: Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper Error: Could not open client transport for any of the Server URI's in ZooKeeper: Failed to open new session: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot modify dfs.replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=08S01,code=0)
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06:29 AM
Hello Team, I am trying to run beeline commandline to export the hive table to a location. i am trying to set replication factor to 1 but it if failing with following error : Error: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify dfs.replication at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime (state=42000,code=1) Cluster details : 3 nodes cluster and in all hvie-site.xml i have set the following property and then restarted hive and hiveserver2 <property> <name></name> <value>mapred.*|hive.*|mapreduce.*|spark.*|dfs.*</value> </property> Beeline Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://;password=hive;principal=hive/_HOST@DEV.domain.COM;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=****;user=hive;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" -n hive--showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "Set dfs.replication=1; use testdb; export table newt1 to '/staging/exporttable/testdb/newt1';"
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
08:39 AM
@cravani Thanks for the help 🙂
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09:25 PM
@cravani please find the hive version Hive 3.1.3000. Git git://centos7-builds-zb40x/grid/0/jenkins/workspace/workspace/CDH-parallel-centos7/SOURCES/hive -r ****** Compiled by jenkins on Fri Apr 14 11:40:33 UTC 2023
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07:04 AM
Hello Team, I am trying to use the underscore "_" in the column name example "_name" but the create statement is failing. i also wanted to use the reserved keywords example "transform" as column name but that is also not working. I tried setting the values for keyword and for identifiers while running command still it is giving me error when running via beeline Following are the commands and the error that i am getting : Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://cdp1:2181,cdp2:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;;principal=hive/_HOST@hdpcluster.test" -n hive --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "SET;use jayesh; create external table testkeyword1( `transform` string);"; error : Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:45 cannot recognize input near ')' '<EOF>' '<EOF>' in column type (state=42000,code=40000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://cdp1.:2181,cdp2:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;;principal=hive/_HOST@hdpcluster.test" -n hive --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "SET;use jayesh; create external table testkeyowrd2( transform string)"; error : Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:38 cannot recognize input near 'transform' 'string' ')' in column name or constraint (state=42000,code=40000) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://cdp1:2181,cdp2:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;;principal=hive/_HOST@hdpcluster.test" -n hive --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "set; set;use jayesh; create external table testkeyword3( transform string)"; error : Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:38 cannot recognize input near 'transform' 'string' ')' in column name or constraint (state=42000,code=40000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command : sudo -u hive beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://cdp1:2181,cdp2:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;;principal=hive/_HOST@hdpcluster.test" -n hive --showHeader=false --outputformat=tsv2 -e "set; set;use jayesh; create external table testunderscore( `_name` string, `_id` string)"; error : -bash: _name: command not found -bash: _id: command not found Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:45 cannot recognize input near ',' 'string' ')' in column type (state=42000,code=40000)
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Apache Hive
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