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Title | Views | Posted |
1345 | 11-26-2019 11:47 PM | |
1303 | 11-25-2019 11:44 AM | |
9470 | 08-07-2019 12:48 AM | |
2172 | 04-17-2019 03:09 AM | |
3483 | 02-18-2019 12:23 AM |
09:30 PM
1 Kudo
Could you run the administrator cmd not a normal one? From your error, I think you have not enough privilege to run these commands.
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09:26 AM
Hi, As mentioned in the previous posts, did you tried increasing the memory and whether it solved the issue? Please let us know if you are still facing any issues? Thanks AKR
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08:21 PM
when there will be release of cdh5 for ubuntu:18.04 (bionic)
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11:47 PM
1 Kudo
The solution is quite simple, was not aware that the service-wide configurations are not in roles but in services. So the solution is to use a ServicesResourceApi endpoint and read_service_config method. Something like this: def get_service_config(self, service_name):
"""Returns the configuration of the service"""
services_instance = cm_client.ServicesResourceApi(self.api)
view = 'summary'
api_response = services_instance.read_service_config(
self.cluster_name, service_name, view=view)
return api_response.to_dict()
except ApiException as exception:
print(f"Exception when calling ServicesResourceApi->read_service_config: {exception}\n")
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11:44 AM
It looks like the java class com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.DbProvisioner expects that the user has superuser privilege on the PosgreSQL and thus the Create DB and Create Role is not enough (AWS RDS unfortunately does not provide superuser). I had to workaround the issue by creating the databases upfront.
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10:38 PM
@Tomas79 -
I am not sure, what you are asking is possible. But you can control the size of the same using below properties.
We could set below parameters to restrict the size of local directories under NM and trigger DeletionService when the limit is reached.
# yarn.nodemanager.delete.thread-count: # # yarn.nodemanager.localizer.cache.cleanup.interval-ms
Details under:
The property defines decides the maximum disk space to be used for localizing resources. Once the total disk size of the cache exceeds the value defined in this property the deletion service will try to remove files which are not used by any running containers.
The yarn.nodemanager.localizer.cache.cleanup.interval-ms: defines this interval for the delete the unused resources if total cache size exceeds the configured max-size. Unused resources are those resources which are not referenced by any running container.
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08:37 AM
I had exactly the same issue and turned out that the count includes also snapshot. To check if that's the case one can add -x option in the count, e.g.: hdfs dfs -count -v -h -x /user/hive/warehouse/my_schema.db/*
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02:28 AM
Removed the balancer override (so it is now true) and the DN is still ok. So I dont know what is the reason, but it is definitely not solved. I think under some conditions this can happen to anybody running on CDH5
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04:44 PM
Hi @Harish19, There is SSL Options button somewhere in the ODBC driver configuration window, please click through and confirm if you have SSL enabled on the client side. Cheers Eric
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08:11 PM
Hi @Tomas79 , I think I found a way to deal with it. As we can get the version info of Hue from Cloudera Manager web UI, I install the corresbonding version one from the tarball source to my local development enviroment. After I finish my development on local Hue, first I back up that/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hue folder on server, then I replace the server hue/ folder with my local hue/ folder (by using tar,lrzsz,rm,unzip...). Last but not least, I replace the new hue/build/ folder with the back-uped hue/build/ folder, because there are lots of key configurations in original component we need to inherit, as CM starts up differently than locally. Now I restart Hue on Cloudera Manager web UI, it works! My new feature is in effect. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm on my way to exporing it.
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