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4231 | 07-05-2017 11:58 PM |
03:47 AM
Thank you Cdraper, Finally I use this combination, RHEL 7.3 (m4.large) , ambari 2.4.10 and HDP 2.5 install 7 nodes on AWS. the only issues I deal with is change the namenode java heap size to 4gb in my case. then everything worked. your info is still very helpful. I am going to setup kafka 3 nodes and mongodb from here. will keep you posted. thanks again. Robin
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02:36 PM
@Robin Dong In Linux only iptables controls the Kernel based firewall. You might have firewalld in CentOS7 or ufw in Ubuntu but they're just an abstraction layer on top of iptables. So if 'iptables -L' doesn't show anything then it's all good. The Ambari iptables check is rudimentary and it doesn't know if the rules that exist still allow all the traffic. It only checks for 'service iptables status' or 'systemctl status firewalld', which means there are no filter tables. But please be aware of the cloud firewall as well. For example in AWS even instances in the same Security Group are not allowed by default to communicate with each another and this must be enabled explicitly:
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02:03 PM
oh, my ambari service is external mode, use, if this is so called external mode. after ambari-server reset, I got the same error. the repo is: rpm -qa|grep ambari-metrics -- show all packages are installed. so the hbase configure info is the problem. it refuse the connection. I dont need to edit hbase configure with ambari 2.4 in the past at all. any changes on HDP? thanks, Robin
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04:14 AM
you are right, Since my setting all working before I never use VCP and just thought about this is may be a cause. I will work on it and get back to you. thanks again.
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06:27 PM
still like to know the best combination of RHEL version and ambari.repo version. document says it will fit all, but different error comeup.
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07:13 PM
thanks, I got your another post and tried ambari 2.2 so dont need to deal with smartsense.
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10:16 PM
I will close this case I got my answer here.
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05:50 AM
Thanks for the link @Eyad Garelnabi.I have HDP 2.4 installed on ubuntu,followed the same steps provided but getting the following errors during Install,start and test wizard in Ambari.Any help would be thankful. Fail: Applying File['/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo'] failed, parent directory /etc/yum.repos.d doesn't exist
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11:06 AM
Q1. Change data capture in Ni-Fi is the easiest way to capture incremental records there are work around as well depending upon the use case. Q2. I believe yes. But if your target is hive then its better not go with all three. Capture just the incremental records into HDFS and do the comparison within HDFS and update the target. Q4. It depends. If you are looking for real-time processing then dont think of choosing sqoop. Sqoop is specifically desinged for large data processing. So if real- time processing is needed go with kafka/Nifi to ingest data into hadoop. Kafka/NiFi can handle incremental volume in a decent way.
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