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1597 | 02-20-2024 10:42 PM | |
1945 | 10-26-2023 05:40 PM | |
1261 | 06-13-2023 07:55 PM | |
2053 | 04-28-2019 12:21 AM | |
1376 | 04-28-2019 12:12 AM |
12:12 AM
1 Kudo
You can use the Spark Action in Oozie to submit any spark applications: If you are more familar with spark-submit tool, you can try to use oozie shell action as well: You may need to make sure the spark gateway role is deployed on the oozie server and node manager nodes, so that the runtime env always have the depencies available.
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02:13 AM
The error message shows you don't have a valid leader for the partition you are accessing. In kafka, all read/writes should go through the leader of that partition. You should make sure the topic/partitions have healthy leader first, run: kafka-topics --describe --zookeeper <zk_url, put /chroot if you have any> --topic <topic_name>
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08:45 AM
Hello, I am facing the same problem, could you help me, and give me more detail, I will appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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10:05 PM
You may need to increase: yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb the default one could be too small to launch a default spark executor container ( 1024MB + 512 overhead). You may also want to enable INFO logging for the spark shell to understand what exact error/warn it has: /etc/spark/conf/
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09:26 AM
I posted an issue yesterday that relates to this -- the spark-submit classpath seems to conflict with commons-compress from a suppiled uber-jar. I've tried the --conf, --jar, and the --packages flags with spark-submit with no resolution. Spark 2.x + Tika: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamF Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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02:20 AM
Hi Yuexin, Thanks for your response. I have gone through all these links and many more to research on this issue. And I have already done all this configuration of setting jaas file for both driver and executor and also setting kafka ssl settings in the kafkaparams in the program. $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \ --conf spark.yarn.queue=$yarnQueue \ --conf spark.hadoop.yarn.timeline-service.enabled=false \ --conf spark.yarn.archive=$sparkYarnArchive \ $sparkOpts \ --properties-file $sparkPropertiesFile \ --files /conf/kafka/kafka_client_jaas_dev.conf,/conf/kafka/krb5_dev.conf,/conf/keystore/kafka_client_truststore.jks,conf/kafka/kafka/kafkausr.keytab \ --conf "" \ --driver-java-options " \ --class com.commerzbank.streams.KafkaHDFSPersister $moduleJar \ $1 $2 $3 $4 $KafkaParamsconfFile \ Problem here is running in yarn client mode (and all links you mentioned also talks about yarn cluster mode) but i have to run in yarn client mode only here due to some project constraints , and issue is if I specify full path of keystore file(where it is located on edge node where I run the command) in 'ssl.truststore.location' parameter then executors cannot find this file in their cache as it looks for complete path+file name and executor cache contains file with name 'kafka_client_truststore.jks'. And when i pass the keystore file (kafka_client_truststore.jks) without path to 'ssl.truststore.location' parameter then it fails for driver as driver looks in current path of edge node from where the job is run (and if I run the job from same directory /conf/keystore where this keystore file is present on edge node, then job succeeds) Is there way to solve this in your view or better way to load same set of files for driver and executors running in yarn client mode. Regards, Hitesh
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11:29 PM
This is usually caused by not having proper HADOOP or SPARK CONF on the node. You need to assign spark2 gateway role to this node, and deploy spark2 client configureations, then re-launch spark2-shell.
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07:57 AM
Hi Suku: I response some of your questions: a) Which Keytab you have used, whether CM generated keytab or user keytab generated by you? I used kafka.keytab b) Path of your jaas.conf and keytab for Kafka? Path of kafka.keytab in /etc/security/keytabs/ c) How Kafka Kerberos configuration parameters set? The following is the configuration of Kafka parameters and the the form to use the jaas parameter. Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", "xxxx:9092,xxx:9092"); props.put("", "client-id-coprocessor "); props.put("key.serializer", StringSerializer.class.getName()); props.put("value.serializer", StringSerializer.class.getName()); props.put("security.protocol", "SASL_PLAINTEXT"); props.put("", "kafka"); props.put("sasl.jaas.config", " required \n" + "useKeyTab=true \n" + "storeKey=true \n" + "keyTab=\"/etc/security/keytabs/kafka.keytab\" \n" + "principal=\"kafka/nodo@REALM\";"); KafkaProducer producer = new KafkaProducerString>(props); Remember sometimes you will need reboot your hbase service for deploy your coprocessor. I hope I will help you. Florentino
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07:36 AM
We have validated the safety valve, as well as the solr URL. It seems that someone had deployed some examples a long timago and never cleaned them up so we had old information stored in collections listed in zookeeper. We deleted those and ran solrctrl init --force and that seemed to resolve the issue. We still however see the old dashboard entries in the search menu in Hue and they remain even after deleting them from the Hue database. We have an open case now for it.
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11:49 AM
1 Kudo
Glad the issue the resolved but try to use some other location to store those jars instead of /opt/cloudera/parcels as when you upgrade you can lose all those jars.
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