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3181 | 01-17-2017 02:54 PM |
05:12 AM
@Steven O'Neill i'm not touching the data in the HDFS. it has created a seperate folder for the date column on using alter statement.
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02:58 AM
@DWinters can you elaborate the way you have solved it, cause i just ran in to this issue. I have 11 columns in data frame(added a timestamp column to 10 columned RDD). And i have a hive table with complete 11 columns one is partitioned by timestamp.
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09:15 AM
@Neeraj Sabharwal
Hi all,
Im trying to create an external hive partitioned table which location points to an HDFS location.This HDFS location get appended every time i run my spark streaming application, so my hive table appends too. Kafka >> Spark Streaming >> HDFS >> Hive External Table. I could do the above flow smoothly with a non partitioned table, but when i want to add partitions to my external table i'm not able to get data in to my hive external table whatsoever. I have tried the below after creating the external table, but still the problem persists. <code>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE user (
userId BIGINT,
type INT,
level TINYINT,
date String
PARTITIONED BY (date String)
LOCATION '/external_table_path'; <code>ALTER TABLE user ADD PARTITION(date='2010-02-22');
I tried the above fix but the things haven't changed. What is the best work around to get my appending HDFS data in to an external Partition table??
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hive
11:51 AM
you can add the spark assembly jar in the global location like hdfs:/// . And set the spark.yarn.jar value in spark-defaults.conf to that spark assembly jar in hdfs path.
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11:47 AM
Can you check your, file. Make sure you set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR and JAVA_HOME in the too
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11:52 PM
i was pointinn to a wrong broker so the zk was unable to find the topics
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11:47 PM
1 Kudo
Still the issue is persisting, What else can we do to make it work other than hive-site.xml
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02:26 AM
i'm using sbt, should i use spark-submit everytime we need to run a project? SBT run, is catering my needs for now, as im using it in local mode.
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01:14 AM
i'm running my spark job using sbt,i.e., "sbt run". You think this can be a problem? Or should we stick to the spark-submit all the time?
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01:10 AM
i'm running my spark job using sbt,i.e., "sbt run". You think this can be a problem? Or should we stick to the spark-submit all the time?
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