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Title | Views | Posted |
2383 | 03-26-2018 04:53 AM | |
28706 | 12-01-2017 07:15 AM | |
1010 | 11-28-2016 11:30 AM | |
1739 | 10-25-2016 11:26 AM |
06:32 AM
1 Kudo
@Joffrey C 17/12/0616:29:20 WARN metastore: set_ugi()not successful,Likely cause:new client talking to old server.Continuing without it. This mostly happens when spark is using the wrong hive-site.xml file, if you notice /etc/spark/conf will have a separate hive-site.xml file which is not same as /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml , if you done the upgrade and replaced /etc/spark/conf/hive-site.xml with /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml then these kind of issues occur.
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05:50 AM
@Abhijit Nayak I have seen this issue, if there is any issues in Excel formatting, Excel use to show the different row counts, instead of checking the row counts, can you please validate the data and see you have any data mismatch issues.
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05:44 AM
@Manfred PAUL In relation to this: When I connect myself as the hive user here is what I get (without a principal / keytab to test): sudo su - hive klist klist:No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_xxxx) are you missing kinit? Can you please provide how you are generating the ticket for hive user? did you configure it in .bashrc?
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05:47 AM
@Manfred PAUL you can refer these:
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05:41 AM
@Andre Barczak1) Can you please check all the below commands are resulting the same hostname: hostname
hostname -f
ping `hostname` --> the forward and reverse lookup should come up with same hostname and IP Address 2) From the above if you are seeing different results then it should be good to look DNS (if configured) if not from the DN server look for the below files: $cat /etc/hosts
$cat /etc/hostname
$cat /etc/sysconfig/network all of these files should contain same hostname and IP address 4) Once the above steps are done then you can STOP and START Ambari Agent 4) If all of these comes up with proper results then Ambari DB is the best place to look into to see any inconsistencies. To update the hostname in Ambari you can refer to this Hope this helps. Thanks Venkat
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05:15 AM
1 Kudo
@Michael Bronson As you have deleted the topic it looks like the consumer group is deleted, and you can remove the corresponding topic folders (from all nodes) and also the topic from zookeeper using the ZK CLI.
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07:15 AM
1 Kudo
@Michael Bronson 1) To find the consumer-group related to a topic you can use the below script: for i in `/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ hdpmaster:2181 ls /consumers 2>&1 | grep consumer | cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1 | cut -d "," -f1`
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ hdpmaster:2181 ls /consumers/$i/offsets 2>&1 | grep test
if [ $? == 0 ]
echo $i
done 2) Yes, setting the using ./bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --topic my-topic --config 3) as @Jordan Moore mentioned there is no automation to delete the topic which is in built to Kafka (we have to follow the process defined above) 4) when I delete a topic we get - Topic <....> is marked for deletion. , is it mean that it will take time until topic will be deleted ? Yes, it does take time to delete a topic and you can also this message if the delete.topic.enable is set to false (it is the default setting) as given previously:Note: to delete a kafka topic we need to set delete.topic.enable=true it requires kafka service to be restarted
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03:47 PM
@Michael Bronson Below is the process you can follow to delete the kafka topic and the corresponding directory (i.e. /var/log/kafka-logs) 1) Make sure to set the message retention time of a topic to 1000ms (1s) to stop the inflow --> using (it does take some time to delete all logs to free up log segments 2) Once it free up the space then we can delete the topic Note: to delete a kafka topic we need to set delete.topic.enable=true it requires kafka service to be restarted, which is disabled by default 3) Now we can delete the kafka topic using: /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --delete --zookeeper <zk-ensemble>:2181 --topic <kafka-topic-name> 4) once done now we need to delete the corresponding consumer offset from ZooKeeper using: /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-client/bin/ -server <zk-ensemble>:2181
[zk: <zk-ensemble>:2181(CONNECTED) 1]
rmr /consumers/<consumer-of-topic>/offsets/<kafka-topic-to-delete> 5) Now we can remove the corresponding topic directory from all the broker nodes 6) with this we can complete the process of the deleting the topic and the corresponding folders can you please give more in relation second question what is the mechanizem that suppose to delete automatically the topics ? Thanks Venkat
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12:15 PM
2 Kudos
@Bala Vignesh N V this can help you:
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08:10 AM
Can someone please help?
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