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02:38 PM
Thanks Attila for the information. I have made the blueprint based on scenario mentioned above. Could you please check and let me know if i missed anything. I am attaching the same.blueprintjson.txt
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11:54 AM
@Attila Kanto Could you please suggest something?
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11:45 AM
I am planning to install 4 Node Cluster(1 Edge Node, 1 Master Node and 2 Slave Nodes) on Microsoft Azure using cloudbreak.. I need components like HDFS, YARN, Spark, Hive, Kafka, Zookeeper, Ambari Server, Ambari Agent, Ranger, Flume, PostgreSQL to install on my 4 node cluster. And I am planning to follow below mentioned approach for setting up the cluster. 1) Install Cloudbreak on Edge Node first. 2) Create Ambari blueprints with below components. 2) Components to be installed on NameNode : HDFS_CLIENT, Resource Manager, Hive Server, Hive Metastore, Ambari Server, Oozie Server, Ooize Client, Kafka Broker, Zookeeper Server, Zookeeper Client, Spark Master, Flume Server, PostgreSQL, Spark Thrift Server, YARN_CLIENT, TEZ_CLIENT, Ranger 3) Slave Nodes: DataNode, Node Manager, Ambari Agent, Kafka Broker, Zookeeper Client, Zookeeper Server, Spark Worker, HDFS Client, Ranger Kindly check if this is the correct approach and let me know in case i am missing something. And Kindly let me know the what all Hadoop clients need to be set up on Edge Node in above scenario? Much appreciated.
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
03:25 PM
@Attila Kanto Thanks for the reply. I was going through the details in the link shared by you and i found that Cloudbreak Installation public repo is being pulled from AWS S3 storage. I am assuming it would be generic for Azure as well? And this approach would be the same for Azure cloud as well?
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09:16 AM
@Attila Kanto Thanks for your reply.You understood my problem correctly. Actually we would be getting 4 VM's being spinned up by Microsoft Team. And we want to install cluster on those VM's using cloudbreak. And we do not have the provision to set up an extra VM to deploy just cloudbreak custom template. So we would like to install the cloudbreak on any of our existing VM. That's why i was asking for best practice to do that if any? So as per your answer, I think we should first install cloudbreak on Edge Node following the link shared by you and then start setting up the cluster once the cloudbreak is completely installed? Please correct me if i am wrong. Thanks Rahul
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08:45 AM
I want to set up a 4 Node cluster on Azure consisting of Edge Node, Name Node, and 2 Data Nodes using cloud break. I want to setup cloud break on Edge Node of my cluster.Is there a way to do that? The "Deploy to Azure" link on documentation page creates c cloud break custom template on new Virtual Machine. Can i do the same on already existing VM of my Azure Cluster?
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
09:26 AM
Thanks @Attila Kanto
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06:20 AM
1 Kudo
Is there a way to upgrade HDP Stack from 2.3 to 2.5 using Cloudbreak(Azure) on already running 4 Node Cluster?
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01:21 PM
Hi Attila, Thanks for the answer. Just another question -- Suppose i have set up a cluster with HDP stack as 2.3. But now i want to upgrade the HDP stack of that particular cluster to 2.5? Can we do it using cloudbreak? And how do we add services like Apache Atlas, Ranger, Falcon if required to already running cluster using Cloudbreak automated deployment? Thanks Rahul
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06:41 PM
1 Kudo
I am planning to create 4 node cluster on Azure using Cloudbreak Automated Deployment. I wanted to create 1 Name Node, 2 Data Nodes and 1 Edge Node. I wanted to know how to create Edge Node in Cluster using Cloudbreak(Ambari Blueprints)?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
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