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Title | Views | Posted |
17699 | 07-18-2018 01:29 AM | |
3241 | 06-26-2018 06:21 AM | |
5474 | 06-26-2018 04:33 AM | |
2786 | 06-21-2018 07:48 AM | |
2386 | 05-04-2018 04:04 AM |
12:28 AM
@csgunaYou are correct, but we are talking about CDH. I have not tried it, but according to documentation, is not supported even on CDH5.14. It is clearly mentioned in the link below.
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01:10 PM
The second error is normal. You are using the HiveServer1 driver to connect to HiveServer2, that's why it is failing. According to your beeline command, you have HS2. You need the following URL jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000;AuthMech=0;transportMode=binary with Class.forName("com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver"); UID is not required, but you can provide it. Since you don't have LDAP configured, you definitelly don't have to set password.
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12:45 PM
Does impyla connect with Kerberos authentication, or LDAP? Connection through HAProxy using LDAP authentication works fine. But in order to use Kerberos authentication, you have to configure your "myHaproxy:21051" as Load Balancer in impala's configuration.
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11:41 AM
2 Kudos
With the error you provided, I woud definitely look again the keytab entries, one by one. This keytab should reside in SOLR's execution directory. Assuming you are using Cloudera, under "/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/{id}-SOLR... This error, 90% of the times mean that keytab is not correct.
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08:09 AM
I believe it is obvious that names are fake 🙂 🙂 🙂 I am not sure this question is appropriate for this forum, but anyway. The following configuration works. SSL from client terminates on HAProxy, while HAProxy to solr server opens a new SSL connection. bind :8985 ssl crt {your certificate, key and any CA here}
mode http
option httpclose
option http-server-close
option forwardfor
server solrserver node1.mydomain:8985 check ssl verify required ca-file {Your CA certificates here} If you still have issues, then the problem is not on HAProxy and you should check your keytabs (typo error, etc). You can also verigy that keytab contents are ok, by using the commands below: kinit -kt solr.keytab HTTP/node1.mydomain@MYREALM
kinit -kt solr.keytab HTTP/solrs.mydomain@MYREALM
kinit -kt solr.keytab solr/node1.mydomain@MYREALM If any one fails, then you should recreate the keytab. When creating the keytab with ktutil, this command does not guarantee that the contents of the keytab (encrypted password) are correct. It does not connect to KDC to verify it. It is just encrypting the password you provide (or read from another keytab file). In order to verify it, you should test it with kinit. Hope that helps.
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05:20 AM
1 Kudo
"History and Rollback" is only available on Cloudera Enterprise. If you have Cloudera express then you should not see it.
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05:16 AM
I have the same configuration with HAProxy and it works fine. To be honest, I do not specify any environment variable, just running kinit and the issuing the curl command. It is probably something with your loadbalancer configuration. How it is configured. In the mean time, can you check keytab with "klist -ket solr.keytab" to verify that you have the same encryption type?
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01:45 AM
Have you tried this configuration?
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07:14 AM
1 Kudo
You have a mixed up situation. Try as user "hdfs" (the superuser of hdfs) and also add -skipTrash in your command.
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05:38 AM
What do you mean delete? If you mean to delete a record, this is only supported if you have Kudu as storage and only through Impala, as (at least as far as I know) Hive cannot operate on kudu tables.
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