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07:13 AM
1 Kudo
Hello, There is no such way to kill the query in one go. You need to either do it by one of the following methods:- You can kill the query from the Impala Daemon web UI of the Impala Daemon coordinating the query. or you can try killing from the browser. https://<query_coordinator_server_name>:25000/close_session?session_id=<session_id>
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11:15 AM
Seems like your cluster is configured with default impala admission control control. Please create and setup new impala admission control control with the correct parameter based on the how much queries need to executed and resources you have
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09:34 PM
@Amn_468 Has any of the replies helped resolve your issue? If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the solution, as it will make it easier for others to find the answer in the future.
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08:20 AM
You can find the error message 'Index build failed for service hdfs' in the RM log. This issue is caused by exceptional ' /var/lib/cloudera-scm-headlamp/' where the Reports Manager role is configured to run. step 1: stop CMS Reports Manager role step 2: RUN THIS ON THE HOST WHERE RM ROLE RUNS sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloudera-scm-headlamp/* step 3: start CMS Reports Manager role (will rebuild the headlamp dir) Done. You can now use CM> HDFS> File Browser.
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06:18 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Amn_468 In Kudu Table is divided into multiple tablets and those tables are distributed across the cluster. So the table data will be stored across multiple TS (kudu nodes) You can get that info from Kudu master WebUI CM->Kudu ->Webui -> Tables ->select table curl -i -k --negotiate -u : "http://Abcde-host:8051/tables" Also, You can run ksck command to get that info :- Does that answer your question, if yes please feel free to mark the post as solution accepted and give a thumbs up. regards,
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12:53 AM
Hello I am suspecting that either of below are enabled in impala as these only generate audit logs. Enable Audit Collection Enable Impala Audit Event Generation To be able to disable auditing for Impala service, you need to uncheck both of the above options. Once done make sure to restart Impala service. CM would show stale and restart icon as well.
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10:50 PM
@Amn_468 did you resolve your issue? If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the solution, as it will make it easier for others to find the answer in the future.
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04:23 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @Amn_468 Please note that, you get the block count alert after hitting the warning/critical threshold value set in HDFS Configuration. It is a Monitoring alert and doesn't impact any HDFS operations as such. You may increase the monitoring threshold value in CM ( CM > HDFS > Configurations > DataNode Block Count Thresholds) However, CM monitors the block counts on the DataNodes is to ensure you are not writing many small files into HDFS. Increase in block counts on DNs is an early warning of small files accumulation in HDFS. The simplest way to check if you are hitting small files issue is to check the average block size of HDFS files. Fsck should show the average block size. If it's too low a value (eg ~ 1MB), you might be hitting the problems of small files which would be worth looking at, otherwise, there is no need to review the number of blocks. [..] $ hdfs fsck / .. ... Total blocks (validated): 2899 (avg. block size 11475601 B) <<<<< [..] Similarly, you can get the average file size in HDFS by running a script as follows: $hdfs dfs -ls -R / | grep -v "^d" |awk '{OFMT="%f"; sum+=$5} END {print "AVG File Size =",sum/NR/1024/1024 " MB"}' The file size reported by Reports Manager under "HDFS Reports" in Cloudera Manager can be different as the report is extracted from >1hour old FSImage (not a latest one). Hope this helps. Any question further, feel free to update the thread. Else mark solved. Regards, Pabitra Das
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